Thing Three — the Nazi Thing (a.k.a. the Master Race)

Forget this graphic. That’s just some disinformation to fool 
Facebook censors. It’s the next one you want to bear in mind.

Antifa Mugshots

Time for Thing Three. The Nazi Factor.

There’s a whole army of pundits out there who have figured out that Antifa is not anti-fascist at all but pure, true-blue fascist. They even dress the part.

But none of the genius observers have connected the dead-obvious dots. Antifa is not just a lot like the Nazis. They are straight-up Nazis, with just one sly twist that’s fooling everyone apparently.

See, the smart people have all been educated by liberals who were taught the Big Lie that Hitler’s Germany was right wing, not left wing. They think this because German nationalism lies at the heart of the Third Reich’s creed. They think. That’s why every Republican appeal to patriotism in the last three quarters of a century has been interpreted by the American left as fascism, Hitlerian without any apology for making the comparison. A great circular equation: Hitler = Nationalism = Fascism = Nixon/Reagan/Bush/Trump = Hitler.

They think wrong. Hitler’s mission was not nationalistic but racial. He believed in a fictional ideal called the Aryan Race, which consisted of blond supermen cribbed from Nietzsche’s ‘Uber Mensch,’ a philosophical straw man that never had any basis in reality. We discount this now because the whole idea of an Aryan Super Race is so patently ridiculous. Except that it’s what Nazism really was all about. Killing Jews was not about ethnic cleansing in Germany. It was about global race war. Jews had to be exterminated everywhere they existed, because they were the only real rivals to Aryan supremacy. If Nazi Germany was about nationalism, all that was needed was cancellation of the Treaty of Versailles, restoration of German prosperity and independence, and ironclad border security. (And uniforms have always been an indispensable part of Teutonic culture.) But there was absolutely no need to invade and conquer EVERYONE ELSE. Unless your purpose is way bigger than the puny historical accident called Germany.

You already know what I’m saying is true. The History and Discovery channels are still stocked to the gills with bemused documentaries about Hitler’s obsession with, and considerable investment in, occult artifacts and lore. He spent blood and treasure in the search for confirmation of dubious Nordic myths and early Christian relics like the Spear and the Holy Grail. He really believed all that stuff. He really wanted to rule the world with the aid of vast armies, yes, but also pagan magic that defied twentieth century reason and science.

Magical thinking centered on race. That’s what distinguishes Nazism from mere fascism, which is in its essentials only a corrupt partnership between big government and big business and the welfare of individual lives and liberties be damned. Nazism is about remaking the whole world in purely racial terms. Which is exactly what the American Left is about at this moment in time.

The dots. The left wing and even the mainstream Democrat Party have been overtaken by a strain of anti-semitism (i.e., Jew hatred) that would be embarrassing if most of the enlightened ‘liberal’ world weren’t complicit in pretending the Jews have only themselves to blame because, uh, Zionists. Antifa and their client organization BLM are quite blatant in their hostility to Jews, in both their literature and individual terroristic acts of vandalism and arson. Is reflexive, irrational anti-semitism fascist? Or Nazi? Need a minute to think about it? Connect the dots.

Here’s another big, important dot. Racialism. Which the last few months of disgraceful violence have been all about. Fascism per sē is not about race but power and money, period. Mussolini and Franco were fascist dictators, but they didn’t want to exterminate the Jews, merely deprive them of power and treasure. Today’s monolithic U.N. strategy of isolating, punishing, and conspiring against Israel, including its ability to defend its existence against 30 million sworn enemies, is not fascist. It is Nazi. The absurd genocidal rants about Jews by muslim imams are actually convenient cover for the billions who share their fanatical racial hatred but know how to disguise it in diplomacy-speak.

There’s no real need to hate the Jews in particular. It’s just an inevitable by-product of a racialist view of the world and its resource allocations. Something that’s just too big and widespread to hide successfully. It’s not the main target of the new Nazis though. This is where ‘White Privilege’ comes in. Connect the dots. Nazism has been flipped 180 degrees. The fictional Aryan Super Race has been resurrected as the enemy of all things good and wise and pure. And the new definitions of wise and good and pure have to do mostly, if not completely, with the victims of Aryan greed, meaning the longstanding historical prosperity and political power of white people (Jews automatically included). What makes them the enemy? Their skin color. How do you identify their rightful replacements at the top of the heap? Skin color, and to a lesser degree sex and an intangible attribute called “Woke”-ness.

But are Antifa and BLM truly allies of passion or just convenience? What does ‘Woke’ really mean? And will this admittedly bloody and ugly insurrection against the fiction called White Privilege actually lead to the liberation and prosperity of America’s black underclass?

I referred to BLM earlier as a ‘client organization’ of Antifa. Unfortunately for BLM, that’s all they are. It is the American left, meaning descendants and heirs of the historical Democrat Party, that has always regarded black people as useful idiots. It was the Republican Party which was founded in opposition to slavery and which is responsible for the constitutional amendments and passage of statutory legislation aimed at reversing racial discrimination since the Civil War. In one of the great political coups in all of recorded history, though, first FDR and then LBJ co-opted the black vote and bought electoral loyalty for almost a century by appearing to be the party of generous assistance to the underprivileged.

At the time of LBJ’s Great Society initiative, more than 80 percent of American blacks had two-parent homes and abortions were a rarity. After three generations of ‘generous’ government welfare programs, more than 80 percent of black children are born out of wedlock and raised without a father. Who has prospered from the legacy of the Great Society? Chiefly Democrat politicians and government trade unions. Democrats run all but one or two of America’s largest cities, and with few exceptions they are bankrupt because of gigantic union pension obligations, plagued by violence — especially in their largely black poor neighborhoods, riddled with drug and sex trafficking, paralyzed by terrible but hideously expensive public schools, and afflicted with a scandalous abortion rate approaching 50 percent of pregnancies among black women.

Where does Antifa stand? Against the evil Republicans, of course. How they get BLM to burn down those Democrat-run cities for them. To Antifa, black people are a single queen-sized pawn in a game of political chess being played for the purpose of achieving the new Nazi mission.

Which is what exactly? Quite simple really. We just need a name change. The Hitler fantasy of a super race still exists for this New Left. The world can be divided into two basic groups — the Smart Ones and the Dumb Ones. The Smart Ones are not so much anarchists as incredibly simplistic Libertarians. They have one want, one need. Everything they want to do or have should be legal and free. It’s the job of the Dumb Ones to pay for it all and to be punished whenever they impede the freedom of the Smart Ones. Magical thinking writ large. Science, history, morality don’t matter. What most distinguishes the Smart Ones is that they don’t know anything and just use any convenient idea that comes along and suits their mood. Why they’re the true Master Race. Everybody who opposes them is crippled by the inability to see just how much they don’t care about anything but what the Master Race wants.

Mostly, they want sex, drugs, jobs that pay well and they can’t be fired from (government’s a good choice, universities second) and all the Things they want at any given time. They want “The System” reorganized to make this lifestyle a reality. Deep down, they know that black people are, as they have always been around the world, the Dumb Ones who will fall by the wayside no matter what anyone does. In short, Black Lives don’t Matter at all to the Master Race. They’re just useful right now as a whip to beat all the White Dumb Ones into line. The only Dumb Ones who get any kind of a pass in the new Nazi utopia are women. They still don’t have a clue, but you need them to have sex with and to bring you a beer and snacks. There’s no replacement in this life for nice breasts. If you need to believe in something, believe in that.

Seriously. Not a clue. They’re not even fighting to save women’s sports from the TGs.

That’s it. Really. There are no issues. Climate Change? Who cares? There is no god and we’ll all be dead by then anyway. Who you kidding, pal? There is no justice, social or otherwise. But there are great excuses for punishing the guilty, which — let’s face it — everyone is. There are no Great Men. There are just men, who are all really the same underneath, just like us. Great Women? Don’t make us laugh. If there’s a woman nearby, she wouldn’t like us laughing. And if she’s got some nice breasts under that smelly old sweatshirt, you know. Where were we? The Virus. There’s a joke for you. Nobody’s dying, man. Just the really old farts. World Peace? Another laugh, something made up by beauty pageant contestants in the last century.

Trump? We hate him. Why? It’s something to do. Easy to do because the smartest of the Dumb Ones (the ones who want what we want but are so old they still work for a living) know how to write all that shit down for us. Cool. All we have to do is dress up and spray paint the walls with the best one-liners.

Heil Whoever.


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