Why Believe in God — Part 3

 Si Dieu n'existait pas, il faudrait l'inventer.”
                                                            - Voltaire

The Brits killed their Judeo-Christian God in the 19th century. With time out for two World Wars, they have since plighted their troth to the socialist Labor Party and its promise to “share the wealth.” Today, the mockery once known as the C of E boasts thousands of empty churches and cathedrals, and the society at large has descended into a population of promiscuous, foul-mouthed, drug-addicted hooligans, with an average per capita income that barely bests the last-place U.S. state of Mississsippi. Underneath a veneer of democracy, the U.K. government is totalitarian, held in permanent power by the simple expedient of a one-step denial of rights to British subjects called “The Official Secrets Act.

Implemented under the impending cloud of WWI, the OSA is a guarantee of silence, under draconian penalties up to and including death, by every subject who signs it to preserve a government secret deemed of national security importance. Know something about the homicidal travesty called the NHS? Button your lip, baby, or pay the piper. 

The OSA has no statute of limitations. Violate the oath and see your life turn immediately to shite.  The OSA would not be legal under the American Constitution. But the U.K. has no constitution, no Bill of Rights, no protection from what is branded as a parliamentary democracy headed by a token monarch. There are no British citizens as the U.S. understands the term. There are only subjects of the crown. All that’s needed to maintain a rotting empire in which the only wealth shared is scarcity.

Skip to the the last 10 minutes if you’re the impatient sort. How it always ends.

You see, the “token” monarch of the United Kingdom is the head of state and also, thanks to Henry VIII,  the head of the Church of England. There is no separation of church and state. Something we Americans have naively in recent generations been taught as a constitutional principle designed to protect the government from crazy religionists. 

The original intention was opposite. The danger foreseen was not religion. It was the state. Worst case to be prevented: Amoral humans in charge. Well, what we have now. The separation envisioned by the founders had to do with their wisdom about how to prevent tyranny. They did not see the law as justice, but as a frail human attempt to codify and execute laws that on the best days might approximate, or at least live up to, the standard of divine justice. That divine justice was perceived to be rooted in the nuclear family, under the Christian model of mother as protector, to the death, of her children from the state and father as protector of the state from the acts of his children. 

Did I use the word naïve? I did. But it worked pretty well for a long time. Parents had the responsibility to raise their children without state interference until they were of an age to enter the adult world of organizations. With few exceptions, organizations are morally neutral. They serve the needs and desires of those in charge. There is always pressure within those organizations to subvert the individual morality of its members. Every hierarchy expects obedience. Why the Constitution had to have a Bill of Rights. The most Christian component of any government organizing instrument ever written. But capitalist  organizations are not Christian. By definition, they are focused on competition and profit. Only individuals imbue any capitalist entity with moral values. What we once had, especially in the aftermath of WWII and its Greatest Generation, but no longer do. Now we’ve had a generation of spoiled brats in charge. And they don’t care about anything but the feathering of their own nests. Make the peons work, and pay, and keep them dreaming of something lovely they’ll never have.

Why the 21st century state is so determined to unseat Christianity, and God Himself, from the affairs of men and women and the, uh, LGBTGQ serfs. The Constitution has to be put aside in favor of victims rights, however expansively you want to define victims. The only method of redress: Government control of everything and everyone. The concept of the “greater good” is applicable as a priority for every unit that was once conceived of as an individual. Each former individual is now expected to trade his liberty and, if need be, his life in exchange for benefits that will accrue to people not yet born suffering from hardships not yet proven to exist at all. Give up fossil fuels, and associated jobs, and your state-educated children’s dubious futures, to save a planet that has not once ever been in danger from a human biomass barely equal to the combined biomass of ants, one quadrillionth (or less) the mass of Earth.

Sound like some sort of cult mentality? That’s the deal though. Climate change threatens the equilibrium of a planet whose surface is occupied by ants who live on just 12 percent of its surface area. Somehow. Because when Mankind is God, it’s impossible to imagine forces beyond his mighty powers of hubris and omniscience. No chance that the biggest impact on Earth’s climate is the sun, for example.

What is needed in our modern godless universe is a regression to the worst economic system ever invented, socialism/Marxism, a sad guarantee of near-term privation, starvation, and civilizational ruin. Really? Just how dumb would you have to be to believe that? Oh.

Why believe in God? Because without him, nothing makes any sense at all. And btw, Who Made You?

Well. Part 1.


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