To Whom It May Concern...

A helpful precursor to this post is called The Time Has Come, the Walrus Said.

These are first steps only. What everyone can do, beginning on Inauguration Day, regardless of who wins. With one exception, that being getting yourselves onto the Darknet. This will be a vital capability for everyone during the next two years, because win or lose, the War will continue and grow more ferocious every day. You won’t need Darknet for most of the first steps, unless you want to take the opportunity to start establishing new lines of communication with old allies or start building your own action cells in support of the strategy called...

Things to do first.

Cancel all your newspaper subscriptions, regardless of how much of a habit they have been for you. That is all they are. There is no fact base there, no information. Journalism is stone cold dead. In their place, subscribe to a local newspaper. These also take their cue from the NYT. You won’t miss the official Talking Points if you believe these help you in some way.

Stop watching all the network and cable news broadcasting (okay, you can keep Tucker). Forever. Quit watching PBS (including Masterpiece Theater) abs stop listening to NPR. Forever. Don’t read their online output either. Don’t be tempted to sneak into NRO either.

Quit Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, cold turkey. Don’t post, don’t comment, don’t look at them at all. If it’s possible unsubscribe. (You’re free to say goodbye at Facebook.) Your participation is part of the advertising base of all social networks. For the same reason, stop using Google forever. (Think Darknet.)

Quit watching ESPN and all professional sports contests originating in the U.S., including NASCAR, college football, and all the content of the Fox, NBC, and CBS sports channels.

If you’re not on Darknet yet, buy a ream of copier paper and a decent rollerball pen. Start compiling a list of every celebrity who has been piling on against Trump over the past five years. Do not watch any movie or television or streaming product any one of them appears in. No, not even Godfather 2. Update the list through time. In the early going, Breitbart Entertainment can help with that.

Similarly, BEFORE Inauguration Day, use your final days of social networking, etc, to compile a list of the companies who advertise on Facebook, ESPN, NFL, MLB, NBA, etc broadcasts,with particular emphasis to those which are leveraging Climate Change, BLM, and other social justice causes. Do not buy their products. Ever again. Keds and Converse hightops can be a new (i.e., old) status symbol, safer than a MAGA hat.

If you have the discipline to perform these steps conscientiously, the impact will be immediate. A major signal will have been sent and will be understood as a declaration of a new kind of war.

Next, take the time to do a budgeting exercise. How much can you reduce your discretionary and impulse spending, particularly as it relates to the Internet. Think in terms of saving money for the privations down the road. Make note of how you might use your next COVID windfall in support of ASP.  For example, everyone is going to need a post office box, under an assumed organization name, located as far away from home as is practical. This will be vital to communications in the post-texting, post-open email era to come. This is part of getting your head into the right place for what we all must do in the resistance effort over the next few years.

That’s all for now. Something to think about. Share this post as widely as you can, to all who can be trusted.


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