The Time Has Come, the Walrus Said...


The Doomsday Clock

The time has definitely come to consider aggressive strategies for dealing with a stolen election. I have some ideas about that, which I will share with you now. Never thought it would, but my mind has turned finally back to Atlas Shrugged, the monumental work by Ayn Rand which described the ultimate labor action of the truly capable and productive people of the nation, namely the strike to end all strikes, as all that capability and productivity are slowly withdrawn from the economy.

Except that there’s no reason to be particularly gradual about the withdrawal. It doesn’t require a Hole-in-the-Wall hideout in Colorado. It can be done fairly quickly, in place, as long as enough people participate. It consists of two complementary strategies, which are Passive Resistance and Active Resistance, both nonviolent but both together representing an assault on the most powerful institutions in the nation, as well as pervasive local assaults on similarly entrenched enemies of American Liberty. Consider it Atlas Shrugs Primetime.

The goals are simple: crash the U.S. economy in the two years till the midterm elections; cripple the entire media complex of newspapers, cable news, Internet Censorship Networks, Hollywood/TV entertainment propaganda, and the entire professional sports industry; and mount loud, active, and continuous but nonviolent protests — including signs and bullhorns — against every single corrupt institutional power at EVERY level in the United States.

A manual describing how to do this is being written and will soon be published on Kindle.

Until then, brush up on your Ayn Rand:


  1. Look forward to reading it. You're right though, we need actions, not just talk

  2. Look forward to reading it. You're right though, we need actions, not just talk


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