Today’s News — 5/11/2019

Today’s Hot Headlines

The Daily Caller: House Democrats Issue Subpoena for Trump’s Tax Records

Daily Signal: Trump Tax Return Case Hinges on IRS Statute, Supreme Court Precedent

PJ Media: IG Horowitz concludes Final Three FISA Extensions Were Illegally Obtained, Says diGenova

Wall Street Journal: U.S. Steel to Invest $1.2 Billion at Pennsylvania Mills

GM Media: General Motors Announces New Manufacturing Jobs Coming to Ohio

American Spectator: Brian McNicoll —Why Does Congress Keep Getting Global Warming Wrong?

Christian Science Monitor: How First Burkini in SI Swimsuit Issue Is Shaping Gender Debate

Breitbart Hollywood: Rob Reiner Warns 24 Dem Canidates Not to Attack One Another in 2020 Primaries

Babylon Bee: Brave Pro-Abortion Legislator Challenges Group of Nuns to Fistfight

Power Line: Twilight of the FBI

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