The Plain Truth about DEI

 DEI kills people. It is designed to make economic outcomes equal by rigging the system that was designed to reward merit. It does this by cutting corners in terms of competence, credentials, and career advancement. Which puts people into positions of responsibility for which they are not qualified. It doesn’t matter what the excuses for doing this are. When the airliner fails at 30,000 ft because a DEI pilot or mechanic doesn’t do his job right, when a child dies on the operating table because the DEI surgeon isn’t good enough, when an innocent man goes to prison or death row because a DEI prosecutor cuts corners to get a conviction, it doesn’t matter what the intentions were behind the decision to hire a lesser candidate than the standard required. It’s a casualty inflicted on the people whose trust in authority has been betrayed and turned into a weapon against themselves.

There’s no real need for a fancy essay here. Not all the incompetencies result in death. They do all result in bad decisions, declining businesses, broken systems whose expected reliability is meant to preserve health and safety, corrupt organizations in which employees come to believe They are the purpose of the existence of their agency, company, school, factory, department, or industry, not the users who depend on its services and products. When people are less safe because the environment they live in is not as well built or protected as described by the people in charge, more injury, disease, and death are sure to follow.

There is no ‘greater good‘ that justifies this. When things fall apart, lives fall apart. And the only thing DEI is good at is making things fall apart.


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