The Afterlife of the Big Gal


They’re going to have to start a new portrait gallery at the White House. Hillary probably will have to be included because she still insists she won the 2016 election and, like the two ladies up top, was a ‘kinda-President,’ de facto or de lusio, even though the press worked overtime to cover it up.

Do you know who these women are? You absolutely should know.

Jill Biden. Probably finishing four years of being the most important and powerful woman in the history of the United States. Do you think she’s what the ladies above were hoping for when they raised the ante on ‘female emancipation’ to ‘breaking the glass ceiling (and some balls while we’re at it)? I’m thinking not.

The First Lady, as we’ve been taught to call her, is not the point of the spear the feminist pioneers were hoping for. She has never been elected or appointed to public office or testified before the Congress. She has never run a business or met an employee payroll. She didn’t go to Smith and Harvard Law School, or even Wellesley and Yale Law. She did get a doctorate, an Ed.D, from somewhere, which we know because the MSM is punctilious about referring to her as ‘Doctor,’ and her profession in the years she has been married to Joe has been as a politician’s wife and a teacher in community colleges. I can’t find the title of her doctoral dissertation. The MSM doesn’t seem to think it matters.

What does matter? She has been intimately, centrally involved in perpetrating the lie that the Joe Biden who was inaugurated in 2020 and has occupied the White House for four years was not suffering from a serious progressive decline in his mental and physical faculties. Given that the Presidency of the United States is the most important job in the world, the kind of deception we’ve witnessed is a level of fraud that amounts to high treason. That matters.

Now that she is retiring from this role, however you define it, we are left with the question of what to so with her? Should she be investigated for conspiring against the security of the nation and its people? Should be charged, tried, convicted, sent to prison? We know Joe can’t be. We already have it on record that he is incompetent to stand trial for anything. Which leaves Jill.

Does it matter that there will be no investigation of her? Because there won’t be. Too many UniParty politicians (Dems + RINOs) are too compromised because they participated in all the lies and coverups.

There’s no way to get to the true dimensions of the crimes that have radiated from this nuclear-scale deception. The broken border, the trafficking of unidentified women and children into sex slavery, the hundreds of thousands of drug deaths fueled by the reinvigorated cartels, the millions of dead in the Ukraine War, the slaughter and rape of innocents in Israel sponsored by an unleashed Iran, the daily victims of carjackings, assaults, rapes, and murder in cities overwhelmed by unaccountable Dem leadership and tacit administration indifference, the victims of federal neglect in East Palestine OH and in North a Carolina and Georgia because the responsible agencies were having their budgets diverted to Ukraine or the financial support of millions of illegals, the thousands of death experienced and still to come because of federal mandates for vaccines that are frequently lethal… all tied up with a shocking pink federal bow called DEI.

We’re talking about total victims in numbers equivalent to the greates war crimes in recorded history. And no legal way to tie Dr. Jill Biden to any of it. 

What do we really have in the way of evidence? We’ve certainly seen a lot of her in person, and in the conduct of her official duties. She has been incredibly visible on television as the worst-dressed First Lady in history (ironically succeeding the best-dressed First Lady ever), causing even her defenders to wince and cringe.

We’ve also seen her at work doing the First Lady’s biggest job, decorating the White House for Christmas, which must now be done with no references to the birth of Christ, only, toys and candy canes and oversized presents.

To be fair, we’ve also seen part of her real job, steering a corpse like Joe to and from stages, the beach, foreign nations, and the steps of Air Force 1 and Marine 1, which does like a trouper, or a clever guide dog.

What we never see — or at least not until the notorious “Debate” — is Jill in her role as the principal go-between, or stand-in, with the Cabinet, the Congress, and the Military. Who answers the phone at 3 am? Even Hillary thinks that’s an important question to ask and answer. 

Here’s our one glimpse of Jill chairing a meeting of the President’s Cabinet:

This image is unsettling to people for some reason. Who would those people be? They’re the same people who will tell pollsters to leave the poor lady alone. She’s been through enough. It’s over now, and that’s all that matters.

Maybe not quite. There is always a price to be paid for mortal sins. The Catholic concept of this is bound up in two overlapping concepts, Purgatory and Limbo. Purgatory for believers who have knowingly sinned, and Limbo for unbelievers. The appropriate destination for Dr. Jill is likely Limbo, from which no one escapes. In her case it will be her place in history, which will be inescapable. The hellishness of such a fate is the fact that her memory in the public mind will probably consist only of a medley of images like this:

My opinion. What most people think of as ghosts I think of as residents of Limbo

I can live with that. Which is good, because I’m thinking we’re all going to have to.


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