When did humor creep into this kill box of a campaign?


Before we get to the good stuff, let’s remember why we’re in this fight.

Which is okay because Joe has been every where and done every thing.

But the old days are over. The hill. Poor old poop.

But the great thing about being a senile, psychopathic moron is that you get over things. Every things.

The Trump guy is finding rap all of a sudden. Where you gotta take on all comers.

Who’s next? The king of all rappers.

We got that sh*t settled. Time for the real thing with real music.

But they gonna get the gangsta, hear what I’m saying? 

Because he ain’t exactly alone out there, M&M.

Okay. It’s not all rap. Trump likes all kind of music, new and old. 

Rock, country, take your pick.

Seriously religious is okay too.

Thought we already mentioned rock a while back. Who is it, you think, who has a really BIG tent? (Don’t listen, ladies…)

Why is Kid Rock so fired up? This is why.

But I just love the Big Cat references.

Cats. Big Ones. yeah.

And the biggest cat yet. The one we all know couldn’t be voiced except by a higher power named Walken.

Odd. Working fine at FB as far as I know. No bad language 
either. Just an incredibly effective ad for Donald J. Trump.
The link works. Take it. Walken’s lions are fiercely beautiful.

No, Trump doesn’t think he’s God. He knows the difference. Guess who doesn’t. Obama, Biden, and Hillary. Why the Dem campaign won’t have any humor or real music in it. Just silly photo jumps between aTrump and Hitler and the Klan. Does that fool you. 41 percent by last reckoning. Back in the Katrina days, we,got a short sharp lesson in human nature: “You can’t fix stupid.”

But you know some stupids. Try fixing them. Sharing these vids might help.


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