The Two-Headed Monster of Pedophilia

 The Sainted Martyrs of the Cause
Jeffrey Epstein/Harvey Weinberg, A Match Made in Hell.

It has seemed to me that the ongoing programming of children In precocious sexual awareness and promulgation of gender confusion as a formal part of elementary and middle school education is not just a political assault on traditional family values. 

It is also very likely that we have a very much larger incidence of pedophilic sexual obsession among the nation’s most wealthy and powerful men. All the talk of grooming is not rhetoric. It’s happening in hundreds of schools in dozens of states.

Our elites have become nihilists. Even many so-called conservatives are involved in creating a new culture in which there are no real rights and wrongs. What adherents of Ayn Rand have never understood is that her famously attractive creed of self interest above all is the same kind of slippery slope that propels socialism through Marxism and Soviet Communism to absolute totalitarianism. The Randians are similarly at risk. They pretend that there is some acquired standard of basic widely accepted morality that no longer requires the maintenance of faith in a universal power above Mankind. They think they can think their way through the moral choices to come. But they can’t.

When there is no justice that transcends law because it resides in the human heart and mind, the rule of law becomes an empty shell. If we will never be held to account for following self interest wherever it leads as long as our actions are not exposed or, worse, punishable by a moral cultural consensus, the rule of law, the role of faith, and the possibility of restraining the worst of human appetites are gone. We become barbarians driving Bimmers to the end of civilization.

As I said, this kind of transformation is well underway. And it is not a spontaneous outgrowth of fortune cookie values like equity and the right to unlimited personal freedom even to the point of what we’re once considered crimes. It is being driven hard, by elites who have realized that the Judeo-Christian foundation of our nation really is dying, and they know this because they have been working for many years to bring this about this state of affairs. 

How did they do it? By serving their own self interest in every discipline, profession, business and vocation. Pursue teacher pensions that not only bankrupt the states but also fill the pedagogical ranks with incompetents who majored in “teaching skills” rather than Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. Soon enough, the K-12s will know nothing, and keep learning nothing in college and grad school as the professoriat works the same magic the NEA used in PS19 in your own neighborhood.

Eventually, the lawyers will no longer care about the law but only about winning and rising through the ranks. The same with MBAs and corporate sharks. The same with tenured academics, who like Kindergarten teachers, can no longer be fired for fraudulent work Product and venal ambitions. The same with medical doctors, who no longer believe in healing any more than they believe in God and have learned that the ticket to wealth and status is doling out the drugs as fast as they come down the line from Big Pharma. Surgeries too, if you’re a cutter rather than a scrip-writer. The politicians also fly toward big money like moths to flame, just as helplessly and mindlessly. They were always the easiest to control, and their narcissistic egos have appetites every bit as low as the most despicable casting couch movie producers.

And speaking of movies, the entire entertainment business has been promoting cheap sex, dangerous drugs, and family-killing behaviors since at least the late 1960s.

When the people who run things or make things or exploit money in dollar quantities that only start with six zeros have been raised to care about nothing but self interest, all moral strictures rot away. And then comes the boredom. What can one do for a thrill? What CAN’T one do for a thrill? Nothing. As Nike has taught etc us, DO IT!

When personal Duty and responsibility become obsolete, people are free to admit what they really want and what they really despise in the others.

Others being, in these terms, women, children, and gullible minorities. The elites (including the female elites) don’t like or value women except for their sexual parts or their exploitable attributes. Why it’s no problem to use them, discard them, hurt them if you also hate them, and pornify them until they too accept that they are disposable objects. Why it’s so much fun to be self-righteous about reinforcing the belief in female inferiority by forcing them to compete with caricatures of women in male bodies with tucked
genitals and silicon breasts. “Hey the real women have those too, right?”

And children are completely a pain unless you find them sexually desirable? What are they but an incredibly expensive by-product of sex with women, usually inside the beartrap of marriage? They are incredibly expensive whether you are married or not, divorced or not, and they can put you in jail for not giving their mom money, which used to be called debtor’s prison and illegal. Until the legal system decided that women were superior to men under the law, like with the License to Kill Exception…

But kids, kids. Since they passed the law where puberty turns all kids into sociopathic, promiscuous, dope-smoking/inhaling/injecting threats to your long-term solvency and peace of mind, they’ve reached a level of cultural worthlessness that makes it tempting to put them in their place, as subservient as their avaricious slut moms. 

Sex preempts and supersedes the fossilized notion of the rule of law. Justice can’t hold a candle to getting your rocks off, getting revenge, having the power to fulfill your lusts without conversation, promises, flowers, or toys.

Let’s face it. Success in the 21st Century means getting your way by taking what you want. Justice be damned. Watch any movie or TV show out there in the streaming universe. All their messages and life lessons. The superhero is the one who wins and gains all the glory while the little people just fade into the background, extras with no lines and no hopes for better. Unless some elite “mentor” buys them.

When there is no justice that transcends man-made law because it resides in the human heart and mind, the rule of law becomes an empty shell. If we will never be held to account for following self interest wherever it leads as long as our actions are not exposed or, worse, punishable by a moral cultural consensus, the rule of law, the role of faith, and the possibility of restraining the worst of human appetites are gone. We become barbarians driving Bimmers to the end of civilization.

The reason for the title of this post is that Milquetoast Republicans try from time to time to call attention to the human trafficking problem that is growing apace in the United States. Generally they focus on the rise of forced female and child prostitution rings, which are absolutely predictable in an immigration environment with no documents, no provable identities, and no effort to locate and deport major criminals from the growing wave of illegals.

This is a huge problem. But there’s another huge problem that seems unable to attract even Republican levels of concern. I’m talking rich men with huge fortunes, jet planes, island hideaways, connections out  the wazoo up and down and across all the power centers of a corrupt ruling class. These are men who like their sex pure of emotional commitment, meaning too young to fight back or even to comprehend what is being done to them over the long haul of their lives before they even learn how to say ‘No’ to well-heeled authority.

We have seen two famous men brought down for exactly such crimes. Epstein and Weinstein. They represent two closely connected worlds — Hollywood and Politics. (Politics here includes the mega-donors, lobbyists, and inside traders who make politicians rich and re-elected.) Two huge spheres of influence who, without occasional bad luck, can get away with sexual crimes most of us can’t even imagine, let alone detect.

Epstein and Weinstein were the necessary martyrs. They have been dealt with. Epstein dead in prison, no matter how. Weinstein in prison and still praised by many of the aging stars he “helped” to A-List celebrity as kid actors and wannabe starlets.

Problem solved, right? No. Hollywood is still making movies laced with weird sexual relationships and the near ubiquitous presence of deadly drugs used by pretty people. The prestige endowing organizations are giving Roman Polanski lifetime achievement honors while he remains in exile from imprisonment he will never suffer.

And in the big money world of politics, woke CEOs, and media hype, children are being groomed for acceptance of anything-goes sex lives and fantasy identities made by surgery. But the children aren’t the only ones being groomed. The new LGBTGQ+ war on parental authority is also a grooming exercise. “We will make you lose by making it hurt more to fight us than to subside into the sheeple herd.”

We don’t have to worry about this side of the story anymore, do we? They got a Epstein and Crisis passed. Meaning a crisis in the past, no longer a concern…

But the monster does have two heads that together straddle our culture and threaten our entire civilization with depredation and unending consequences.


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