The Fourth Day of the Seventh Month. What of it?

Not celebrating Independence Day on this Fourth of July. We’ve lost our Independence and very possibly the soul of our nation. A poisonous sickness far worse than COVID has infected the body politic. The perverse idiots of the left have redefined patriotism as hating America, our founding fathers, the flag, and white people generally. They are deliberately seeking to provoke white violence with almost every policy position they espouse. It’s a filthy game designed not to govern but to pave the way for the end of constitutionally assured liberties once and for all. 

The thing about every game, though, is that there is always the option Not to Play. I choose not to play. Spend the Fourth however you will, shrieking, fulminating, propagandizing, or protesting same. Just leave me out of it. I won’t be watching.



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