Breitbart’s Leftist Reporter. To what end?


Looks like someone who’s still carrying a torch for Hillary. Just saying.

What’s her background? And what conceivable value does Breitbart see in publishing her coverage of WOKEspeak shills without making any attempt to fact check them? Hard to think of any answer but “We can do fake news too, which makes us look objective.” Uh, no it doesn’t. It makes you look like fools. Here’s a list of Pam Key’s recent stories at Breitbart:

Read-em and weep. Or laugh your ass off.

QUESTION FOR EXTRA CREDIT: And what’s with the repeated stories about the discredited outsider Michael Cohen and his inane speculations supporting the Dem legal witch-hunt against Trump? (Groundless, fact-free, and histrionically self-serving.) Too many vodka tonics at lunch by the Breitbart staff? You tell me.


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