100 Days of Free Falling

January, February, March, April. Not a day’s worth of truthtelling anywhere.

This is the last piece of writing in this book. Why I’m going to pretend it’s a preface, because it comprises the whole. And also obviates it.

Don’t read this book. You don’t need it. It won’t help you. You won’t understand it or believe it or accept that it has anything to do with you. Because it doesn’t. It has only to do with me, its author, and I am, in a finally fatally insane nation, the last aware mind.

I saw a movie last night that crystallized it all for me, meaning it gave me a way to communicate with many of you who are insensitive to other kinds of input. It was called “After.Life,” and it explored the world of the dead in an arresting way. A young woman with commitment issues storms away from her boyfriend in her car on a rainy night and while engaged in a road rage incident attempts to dial 911 to report the wreckers around her. She awakes on a slab in a funeral home and believes she is the victim of a conspiracy.

The plot is a little more complex than I thought it was. Her first words on the funeral home slab were “I’m not dead.” The director skillfully enhances the illusion that she just might be, though possibly isn’t, actually dead. Critics are interesting. They judged the film as horror not fully realized or finalized. A maiden effort by a talented director. User reviews wondered why Liam Neeson would participate as the sinister psychic uniquely equipped to make contact between the newly dead and the finally dead, whom he makes up like Mr. Joyboy in Evelyn Waugh’s “The Loved One.” 

I recommend watching the whole pic to Millennials, because the nude scenes are not just flashes but far more compelling than zombie imagery. Nice nipple shots for shur. And if you’re a Millennial horror fan, you’ll be looking for a horror escape all the way through with a result you’ll actually enjoy. Only, not really.

Spoiler. She really is dead. Message of the funeral director? She always was. You’re not alive because you see yourself breathing, going through the motions of what’s supposed to be life, smashing things up that stand in your way. You might just be dead and not know it.

So here we are. America. On the slab. Pretending we’re alive, going about our business, breathing, eating, shopping, screwing. Dead as a doornail. Not to be resuscitated. 

What passes for the smartest among us, the elites from both wings of the Uni-Party, are different only in terms of our level of aggression against life itself. Liberty, responsibility, principle, morality mean nothing to either wing. The left is committed to power and power only. The right is committed to sounding plausible and getting well paid for it. The left is totalitarian, actively transitioning from a PR fiction of nanny state compassion to naked control of every aspect of individual (read “unit”) life. The right, throughout these hundred days, in all its reporting and commentary and legalistic opposition, is winning a 21st century merit badge in rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic and fiddling while Rome burns. That’s their job. They are the Alphas of Aldous Huxley’s nightmare Brave New World. The rest of us are the Betas and Gammas who are gulled by the lie that what the elites do is in some way intended to improve our lives. It isn’t.

The hundred days policies that earn Biden better than 50 percent approval among “Likely” Beta and Gamma voters will do absolutely nothing but make our lives worse. To wit, in no particular order, notwithstanding the bizarre circumstance that polls on the issues show Americans are 65-75% opposed to the policies being rammed through by the president they approve at 50% because... they’re plain dead like Liam says:

Immediate opening of the southern border to a flood of illegal immigrants without IDs, medical or criminal records, COVID vaccinations or screenings, or facilities beyond cages for protecting unescorted immigrant children. Accompanied by refusal to admit that the above has created a ‘Border Crisis.’ The Vice President is named as the Border Czar and refuses even to visit the border.

Immediate cessation of funding for finishing or maintaining the Border Wall.

Immediate shutdown by edict of the Keystone Pipeline, thus ending at one stroke of the pen America’s energy independence from middle eastern oil, as well as thousands of American jobs.

Near-immediate proposals for packing the Supreme Court with four additional justices, plus term limits, intended to capture the Court for left-wing jurisprudence capable of rewriting the Constitution as politics deems expedient.

Near-immediate legislation to secure statehood for the District of Columbia, thus adding two automatic Democrat U.S. senators and flouting two express prohibitive provisions of the Constitution.

A 20-minute presidential address delivered to the U.S. Congress not in the Capitol but from the West Wing, promising somewhere between 5 and 7 trillion dollars of new federal spending guaranteed to create a massive inflationary spiral because those trillions of dollars do not exist.

But we have a Hundred Days bandaid. Called forgetting the solemn campaign promise about not raising taxes on anyone making less than $400K a year. Taxes for everyone will be going up instanter, and not just income taxes on all white people after the repeal of Trump tax cuts, but also hefty increases in capital gains taxes, reinstatement of estate taxes, and new increases in the federal gas tax that will make the shocking increase in the price of gas already recorded in the Hundred Days look like a 100 percent fee hike in your smartphone bill.

China, Russia, and North Korea are already threatening a shooting war against our simp president. Taiwan is quaking. Syria and Palestine are rattling their own sabers. The good old days of the Democrat war machine against Israel are already heating up, ready to burn.

What else? Oh. A presidential edict is on the way banning menthol cigarettes, because we care so much about black people; as usual, we Democrats know best how to rule their lives. White people can have their favorite smokes. But the black residents of the Democrat plantation will be saved from menthol by the planters of the Biden White House. What’s next? Banning cherry soda?

And the really really great news is that now Trump is gone, the era of vicious public rhetoric and nasty tweeting is gone, almost. Dems and RINOs are now united in continuing the holy crusade against Trump and his supporters, with every intention of putting him in jail alongside Officer Chauvin with an assist from anti-constitutional jawboning by the White House and all the other split-tail Trump Haters in Congress. Cool. Vive la femme. Everything is going to be so much more polite in this new era of Unity called Uni-Party Correctness. Everyone masked, everyone blindfolded, everyone sleepwalking angrily toward American ruin and shared Marxist scarcity… It’s all going to be great, and the only one who can see it is a Boston-terrier-fancier actress named Rose McGowan.

Actually, Rose is the only actress who once sported a machine gun leg:

We need more tailgunners. Obviously.

<<Actress and activist Rose McGowan said Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox News Primetime” that she has realized Democrats are “in a deep cult that they really don’t know about.”

McGowan said, “Well, as some of you know and some you have don’t know if you have heard my name or read anything on me in the media, I grew up in a cult. It was a very famous cult called Children of God. It gave me a superpower. It gave me the ability to see the control and the propaganda machine especially in the U.S. for what it is and how it harms people.”

She continued, “How the left can harm people just as much as the right if they go very, very deep into it and ignore other aspect of kind of reality in a way. You are serving a master that may not be serving you. I say I come in peace. I’m not here to make people feel bad about their political choices. I am here to say that you might be in a cult, too, if you don’t know the signs. I do believe Democrats most especially are in a deep cult that they really don’t know about and aren’t really aware of.”

She added, “I leave the Republicans alone more because I do respect people more that are like this is what we are. This is what we are about. This is what we are [for]. Whereas I find the Democrats are really pretty much almost against all the same things. They are against changing the world for the better and for keeping a system in place that is for so few people and benefits so few that they masquerade as the helpers — we would do this, the world would be perfect if only those Republicans would get out of the way. Well, OK, you have got control, so now what? What are you going to do to make the world better?”

She concluded, “I am embracing in my life right now really just almost healing in a way, not just for me but for so many others. The MeToo media period, it was just a trigger for so many men and women alike, everybody, really. It was a painful period for many people as it was for me. My persecution and awakening from being a Democrat was so much what I do now. So much about realizing how hardcore of a cult it is. What it does to women and the people it says it is going to help? Then why haven’t they achieved anything?”>>

Any hope out there? Not really. Democrats will lose the House and the Senate in 2022, but the economy will already be hosed by then, and we could be at war in the Middle East (again) and in the Far East. Weak western leaders tempt foreign despots to military adventurism. Absolutely nobody but the American mass media takes Biden seriously. Our biggest danger. Second biggest danger? A revitalization of COVID-19 brought about by waves of unscreened, unvaccinated, undocumented immigrants. Third biggest danger? Massive inflationary spiral engendered by trillions of paper dollars printed not earned.

Oh, and the final final danger. We have raised a generation of millennials, pampered idiots and artificially created sociopaths who know nothing and know not what they do not know. Why the Republic really is dead and past retrieving. We are all Nero now, fiddling while Rome burns.

This would be me, signing off in our new age of 100 percent lies.

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