Three Things to Talk About — Thing One Being Feminism’s 3rd Wave

Caption for Sixties photo: “In Defense of Marxism.” What they all wanted always,
Somebody to tell them and everyone else what to do. And, you know, give them stuff,

Begin at the beginning they always say. This first time the thing we need to talk about is American women.

The National Women’s Soccer League team takes a 
knee and sports BLM shirts at its most recent game.

See, I wrote this back at Facebook:

<<I’ve got three major essays from perspectives nobody’s offered. Because you’re all so much smarter (dumber) and better (sadly illiterate) writers than I am. Without the 20 points I shave off my IQ with Gilbey’s, I’d be just like every UniParty writer in DC and NYC. My upcoming scoops...

1) Why women are to blame for White Privilege
2) Why Black People Matter
3) Why Right Wingers Really Are Nazis (not really)>>

You have to understand. I’ve been a political seer for close to 50 years now. I’m mostly always right. I’ve said I don’t lose arguments with lawyers. Always right about that. 

One thing they’re not breaking out in their polling. White suburban women supporting Biden and opposing Trump. They’re great at the White-Black breakdown even if they’re fudging it by a hundred percent or so. Fuggeddaboutit.

Women. Do Women’s Lives Matter? Specifically, do White Women’s Lives Matter? I’m thinking not. 

Nobody’s telling us who’s really driving the white appeasement, the kneeling, the “We’re so sorry” contingent of the hate-Trump, love-burning-cities crowd in the white world.

My candidate? Women.

So much better off now than June Cleaver and Donna Reed, aren’t we?

Years and years. I was the only one of my acquaintance who realized that feminism displaced, preempted Civil Rights in the Seventies and Eighties and Nineties.

Yup. Here’s the history for all you nostalgia buffs who think the Sixties were the apogee of Libertarian pot smoking. During those marvelous, revolutionary, liberating, radical Sixties, who got the short end of the stick? Dem bitches, dat’s who. While Mark Rudd and Tom Hayden and company were shaking the Establishment tree for book contracts and university tenure, the women were still consigned to making coffee and giving head. But they learned.

The feminist movement grew directly out of the radical Sixties, militant women who had good reason to hate men even as they learned their counterculture tactics from them (strategy never being a female strong point). They screamed, they fell down and couldn’t get up, they lost their keys, they couldn’t start the car, and in spite of degrees from every institution of higher learning in the land, they convinced the land there was a glass ceiling they couldn’t break through because they couldn’t get enough abortions and ugly white guys to sleep their way to the top with.

Guess who lost out in this power struggle? White men? A little. White women? Not at all. Never has so little talent advanced so far in such a small amount of time than in the days of the great corporate ladder climb in the Seventies and onward by the angrier sex.

So. Who. Lost. Out? Black men. Those three decades were their ordained time for an invasion of the corporate castles. Where did they wind up? In the HR Department. The women, on the other hand, are now 50+ percent of B-School and Law School and Med School graduates even though they’re still no better at math and science than Reese Witherspoon, who majored in Maya Angelou at Stanford.

When you’re looking for the appeasers, the kneelers, don’t look to the men (at least not the ones who teach “Rocks for Jocks”). Look to all the women who know they’re accountants and CFOs who never had a clue about double-entry accounting.

Yeah. Kneeling comes naturally, eh?

They’re feeling guilty. They think they deserve to be despoiled. They know they didn’t earn the single biggest economic bonanza ever given away to any group because of chest and pelvic configuration.

Not coincidentally, these parasites on the capitalist system are also the most risk averse. They’re not surgeons in medical practice, for example. They’re pathologists, carving up the defenseless dead they can’t hurt anymore. They’re municipal and federal prosecutors, because for all their grades and boards, they’re only middling attorneys, best equipped to do plea deals for the government against the (obviously) guilty, They do not understand business at all; they’d rather save their BFF than the company every time. Perfect fodder for the federal Swamp in all cases.

But now BLM is calling. And they kneel. They act like it’s a moral act. They have no morality. They have what they have always had, the deeply obsessive female need for securiteee. They keep kneeling even as their TG comrades kill off women’s sports. Go figure. They have no clue how irrelevant they’ve become. Their own self-imposed abortion.

Except for the 20 percent of women who are indeed worthwhile and pissed as hell at the whores who have destroyed the country with greed and dependency since the “fairer sex” got the vote in 1920 (and unlimited license for abortions in 1973, unhooked from traditional morality forever). Truly sad centenary anniversary we’re looking at now.

The really grim part. You of the 20 percent. You are a stricken bunch. In your heart of hearts, you know that silly women are responsible for all the most disastrous presidential elections in history — from Harding to Kennedy to Clinton to Obama to Hillary’s close call. You know that if the women stayed home this time, Trump would win in a walk without having to open his mouth even once. You also know, better than the men, that Biden’s brain is fish food, and if elected, he’ll be run by some woman you can’t trust. But the truth of the sex divide is not something you can bring yourselves to admit. Is it? You just feel guilty. White Privilege is a much bigger demerit for women than men. Just between us girls, eh? So let’s kneel, let’s fall down, Let’s appease, let’s give Black Lives our own, what say?

Worse, you know who the women are who strip naked for supposedly political ends. You know they’re just lonely sluts looking for a sex and money partner.

Speak up? No. You won’t. Even if the cost this time is the whole nation.

UPDATE 11/25/25:  Have they stopped yet? No. It’s spreading. Women tend to prefer protesting with their Body Parts rather than their Brains. It works for them. So they’re doing it more and pretending they’re winning, even though they’re setting themselves back every day. In the vid below, note that they’re French women (called Femen) and the messages they’re writing on their bodies feature a lot of English words. We’re the target. We’re the last bastion of western civilization. Which they fully intend to replace with something pagan and atavistically female…


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