Links to Laird Stuff

America’s Punk Writer at 66.

The Internet experts say you have to put it all on one page. So here goes.

R. F. Laird describes himself as America’s only Punk Writer. By this he means that his entire writing life has been about breaking the rules and getting in people’s faces. He thinks it’s as important to be funny as to be serious, and vice versa. He thinks most writers write one kind of writing and keep writing the same book over and over again. That’s why he’s done the exact opposite. His works include fiction, most outrageously a complete literary movement, and innovative forms of satire, including Bibles, a fiendishly hard video game, spoofs of famous authors, cartoon stories, and approximately 150 short comedic videos and audio narratives. He’s written half a dozen blogs covering the events of his times and both serious and comic essays about every subject under the sun, including cars, dogs, movies and TV, the sexes, religion, politics, science, sports, and multiple genres of music. He is also a graphic artist, what he calls a “punk cartoonist,” who has produced more than 10,000 computer-based drawings and photo images. He presently operates about a dozen websites featuring both his work and information about his life and creations.

There’s a price for being a Punk Writer. His first book was banned from being reviewed by The New York Times. His second book manuscript got him banned (for life?) by mainstream book publishers. He got banned for good by Internet link compiler InstaPundit (and hate-spammed by Slate On-Line) over a controversial political post. He has also been suspended three times by Facebook for violating community standards, and Facebook even temporarily banned his most recently created blog site, ban now repealed. Subsequently, Facebook banned two of his Blog websites entirely, totaling more than a thousand posts on numerous topics other than politics. All protests have been ignored.

So if tame is your cup of tea, go away now. Otherwise here’s how you can begin exploring the very involved and unexpected world of R. F. Laird. You can click on the graphics below to be transported to a relevant url. (You can return with the back button or the open file listings on your screen.) Other links are straight from text.

Links to Laird Works...


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