Wheels Within Wheels (EOY ‘24 Thoughts)

No, I’m not in a wheelchair to date. But I do have a cane, which I sometimes need in my rare ventures outside the house. And I’m liking the symbol of wheels right about now. When I was young, ‘wheels’ meant fast cars. Of late it has come to mean, for me, that slow turning of powerful forces which affect us all at different levels of our experience. The Wheel of Chronological Old Age I have discovered that there is a change in life when you move from being ‘aging’ to being ‘old’. It can come on more swiftly than you’d expect, but I’m pleased to report that it is not all bad. There are step-changes in mind and body that seem like diminutions and yet provide offsetting benefits. Most importantly, there is a shift in perspective that changes one’s personal relationship to time and life itself. Why this ‘End of Year’ reflection will be different from what it’s been in years past. And why I have also posted just before this one, a Context Document which contains links to previo...