The Wall and Other Things
I have a friend, real not FB, who dates back to the original Boomer Bible website, where he posted under the sobriquet Winston_Sith, an obvious reference to Orwell’s 1984. We’ve never met in person, but I have done this in his honor…
He was and is, out there somewhere, a man with more than one identity, one of them being a mathematician in search of the truth about prime numbers, which I also follow under his leadership but with differing results. We both think they’re the key to the universe, but our surmises are discrepant.
Okay. That’s a lot. What does it have to do with The Wall, Pink Floyd’s much glossed over masterpiece and musical legacy, despite the vicious antisemitism of Roger Waters?
There’s this lady, a classical musicologist who has never been to a Stones concert, or any other rock concert I can discern, who is obsessed with Pink Floyd’s The Wall. And she fills me with envy.
Everything is connected. Anybody who knows me at all knows this is my cardinal tenet. Back in my Mercersburg days there was a formal debate between two masters, Jay Ferguson and Paul Suerken. Guess what? It was well attended, in a basement room of the classroom building. Ferguson was arguing that you couldn’t understand literature without in-depth knowledge of the biographies of the authors. Suerken was taking the counter position that the works stood for themselves. They both made good points. The debate was civil, and I believe Suerken won on the merits. He took his stand on Mozart vs. Haydn. We love Mozart for the narrative. He played Haydn for us. Also very beautiful music. Of Haydn the man we know nothing. And to tell the truth, we all knew Ferguson was right. We just liked Suerken better than Ferguson.
You have to know the man behind the work. You can hear it, or not, in his music.
Why Bryan Womack’s odd post today is a kind of breakthrough. She’s taking the Suerken line. She can figure out what Pink Floyd is doing without knowing anything else about them.
She’s just lacking context. Like she has no apparent experience of this:
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