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A Word to the Unwise
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The Washington DC Mall. What a million people looks like.
In the aftermath of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on July 13, there have been a lot of contradictory responses by members of his political opposition. These range from insincere expressions of outrage and sympathy to claims that the event was not real but staged and, in distressingly large numbers, to bitter bursts of disappointment that the shooter missed his target. On top of these displays of Democrat boorishness comes the even more concerning discovery that the Secret Service charged with protecting Trump failed so egregiously in its duty that the biggest question occupying the public is whether the near-miss was the result of incompetence or deliberate intention. Official responses by the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and the Secret Service leadership appear to be aimed more at obfuscating the investigation than cooperating with it. No one has been suspended or asked to resign over the evident failure of the government to make the electoral process secure for those who engage in it. There is no sign that serious, immediate corrective actions are being implemented to prevent another such catastrophic event.
That’s the reason for this post. It’s impossible not to suspect that the leftists in charge of the government are more disappointed than otherwise by the miraculous escape of Donald Trump. Which makes it equally impossible not to suspect that they would still regard the death of their hated rival as the ultimate Black Swan salvation of an apparently doomed second Biden term. Why I feel obligated to utter the following warning:
Most acts of malice, active or passive, are crippled by the inability of those behind them to foresee the real consequences that are sure to follow. The intended consequences are short term mini-orgasms. The long-term consequences are mostly unintended and devastating to the malefactors. They result from a kind of narcissistic stupidity and the stunted imagination of the wife who calls 911 to report that her husband committed suicide in bed, just like her last husband did. She’s thinking million dollar insurance policy, not life in prison with no parole. How dumb is that?
Since the American left is notoriously retarded when it comes to imagination, I will do the imagining for you.
An image you don’t want to behold.
If your dreams come true and Trump is assassinated in some dark October Surprise before the November election, there will be a funeral. It will be State Funeral, because Donald Trump is a former President of the United States. There will be an outpouring of public grief. The obvious point of comparison is to the Reagan funeral week in 2004.
Reagan had been out of office for a dozen years when he died. And, still, the public response was huge and emotional. He was a belovèd figure. And like it or not, Trump is a belovèd figure. He will not be a dozen years out of the headlines. He will be on the verge of the most amazing comeback victory in the history of American politics. And his many millions of followers will know that a second assassination event on this man cannot possibly be an accident but must be the direct result of government machinations. Even loyal Democrats will feel sympathy for the mourners, because even if they didn’t believe the government was complicit in the first attempt, they will conclude that what had to be done to prevent a successful assassination was not done. Their faith in their government will be seriously shaken, because the fact of the death and the size of the public outcry are obviously disasters for the nation’s well being. We have never gotten over the JFK assassination. We would never get over a Trump assassination. These are national wounds that never completely heal. Those who shirked the responsibility to prevent them are never forgiven.
There will be no way to stop a multi-million MAGA March on Washington. It will dwarf any public event ever in the history of the United States. There are only two ways this happening can go.
It will turn violent.
This will be very bad for you on the left. The overwhelming majority of participants in the March will be ordinary citizens, men, women, and children of every race and class. Even if their fellow travelers include armed insurgents desiring retaliation, there will be no way to prevent incredibly ugly images of innocent mothers and children harmed during any violent intervention by uniformed authorities. Multiply the worst of the Jan 6 Capitol confrontations by a thousand or even ten thousand. If the police and the troopers succeed in putting down the riots and vandalism that ensures, the nation will know that their government has lost control of its most fundamental role in the social contract, the preservation of civil order. The election will have to be canceled. Which is not a plus for the left. They will be nakedly exposed as exactly what they claimed Trump was, an anti-democratic force of oppression, now ruling unsupported by the consent of the governed. The hard left and the Democrat Party will in the streets,of Washington DC.
It will be nonviolent.
This is the second possibility. Even worse for the hard left and the Democrat Party. Yes, there will be signs, chants, speeches on street corners, but so were there during the huge Tea Party events back in the Obama days. The truth is that the behavior of protest groups on the right has been far more peaceful and nonviolent than the last decade’s lefty protests. (There were no guns or police deaths on Jan6 in the Capitol “Insurrection.”) It was the left who rioted and looted in downtown DC on the day of Trump’s inauguration in 2017. It was the left who rioted and looted and attacked police with clubs and Molotov cocktails in the George Floyd protests, then burned down largely black neighborhoods in half a dozen cities across the nation, costing billions in property damage and upwards of a hundred deaths. Yet the Biden administration has somehow accused MAGA supporters of being the violent ones. The Biden DOJ has even publicly identified MAGA, the Catholic Church, and even Republican Party membership as criteria in their investigation of “white supremacy,” claimed to be biggest domestic terror threat in the United States. While little old ladies have been arrested, convicted, and sentenced to prison for the “hate crime” of peacefully protesting outside abortion clinics, Antifa has never been declared a terrorist organization or investigated for crimes like arson and assault.
Now apply your little imaginations to a big eventuality, that the multimillion MAGA March on Washington does not engage in deliberate confrontation with police or National Guard units. Why would I think that? Because despite all of Biden’s bellicose rhetoric and dark hints about bad things awaiting Trump, the assassination attempt has not been followed by any sort of MAGA retaliation. No mass shootings, bomb threats, death threats, SWATTING/DOXING events, or, well, Antifa-type violence.
Such an outcome would ultimately defeat mass media propaganda about right wing threats to “Democracy,” which have always been, quite transparently to conscious observers, classical Freudian projection by the left. Biden and his army of Trump haters are the ones who are deeply anti-democratic, dictatorial, lawless, and subversive. Seeking to win a presidential election by putting your opponent in prison is about as undemocratic as it gets.
The American people, in the event of a successful Trump assassination, will see that it is not MAGA or Trump or Christians or pro-lifers or social conservatives who are despotic and violent. They will see it in the overwhelmingly peaceful way these groups will honor the passing and memory of their greatest champion. Then they will use the ballot box to throw the vicious ideologues who slew him out of office forever.
Donald Trump wasn’t the only one who dodged a bullet on J13. Biden and his minions did too. Everything I’ve described above has been prevented by the finger of God that pushed Trump’s head just enough to save his life and our nation for another day.
UPDATE: This post was last updated 4:15 pm, Feb 21, 2025. This will be a pinned post in perpetuity, but it will be updated continuously, just like all of our lives. The title — “My World and Welcome to It” — is stolen happily from James Thurber, who is known as a humorist, unabashedly untrained cartoonist, and dog lover. He was also subject to melancholy, a drinker of note, and something of an outsider (in his own damaged eyes at least) as an Ohioan, born and educated, who became a fixture in the glamorous Algonquin Roundtable of Manhattan writers and playwrights. I can relate to all of that but the fame and the lifelong journey to blindness. I believe he was likely the best writer of the gang that gathered in the Algonquin Hotel in the 1930s, and I made my own pilgrimage there once in my youth to have drink in the bar and imagine my favorites — Robert Benchley, Dorothy Parker, and Thurber — at play in black tie. The place felt empty and sad, darker in the afternoon ...
The spelling authority relied on here is from the U.S. Gazetteer in Shuteye Nation , which is also the source, by omission, that Rode Island doesn’t even exist. Not a Constitutional Crisis? What is it then? A judicial coup attempt launched by 6 shopped judges in 3 states, plus DC. Actually, only two states, since ‘Rode Island’ is just a Brahmin trick to give ‘Machusetts’ four senators. Of the judges, three are wymyn, three are myn, however these are defined anymore, three have Harvard law degrees, two have law degrees from anti-Christian formerly Catholic universities (one law degree doesn’t even count because it’s from Uhio), and all are left-wing Democrats. Two kinds of proof are offered here. One is derived from ancient ritual practice called Logic, presently either unknown or odious to post-modern ‘Progressives,’ who need nothing more than the right drug regiment to arrive at the ephemera they describe as Truth and Justice. The other proof will be visual, whic...
Click on the pic. It leads to a post describing a Tom Hanks skit on SNL. That’s what this post is about. More precisely, it’s about who this very fortunate man really is under the greasepaint. He’s not James Stewart. Have you clicked and read the story about Hanks pissing off half a country that’s always wanted to love him? The caption might be a little overstated, true as it is, but it’s only one of three things this post is about. Tom Hanks, sure. But also the fact that I’m thanking him at the moment for making me do some long overdue reclamation work on a piece that has been effectively lost for a couple years now. I’ll get to the third thing later. The stupid Hanks performance reminded me that I had written a satirical piece about him that got effectively lost when one of my biggest blogs suddenly lost all its formatting in some administrative change by its provider, who were still billing me but could not be reached for troubleshooting services. They’d been...
As you work your way through the links here, don’t be shy. Get ‘Click Happy.’ Even on pics. FIGHTING BACK ONE FILE AT A TIME … How bad has it gotten? I uploaded this video from the old Instapunk at YouTube an hour ago. It has already been removed for violating YT Community Standards. There’s a pdf version, just published, of the post from the video above was created for. Nobody censored it 15 years ago. Back then, it was unquestioningly covered as freedom of expression. Here’s my pdf file of ‘ The Goosestep Enigma ’. This was by no means the most controversial post or graphic included in Instapunk’s 2,000+++ posts over the years. Now I’m going back in time to make pdf versions of the key parts of that website, meaning the most comical, controversial, reflective, insightful, and graphically provocative. But why reinvent the wheel. It’s all still there, isn’t it? The sad fact is that the truly huge resource called is facing a ticking clock. The orig...
It’s kind of a big deal when the NYT slips a story through the paywall. Why this one? I was going to leave this story alone or tag it with a quip at Facebook when I first read about it at Gateway Pundit. They’ve already dumped it from their morgue of recent posts, but there were two more stories this morning that changed my mind. One at Breitbart about an on-air TDS one-liner at Fox Sports and another about the hairdresser’s lawsuit in the sports newsletter leaked through the paywall of the New York Times. The Times piece is excerpted above. The Breitbart post is a mere throwaway item, located far down the Main Page of the website with no names mentioned. Here’s a quick clip of the show Breitbart was referencing: I think both publications sense that something significant is going on here, but they just don’t quite know what it is. That’s when the title of this post occurred to me. “Tempest in a Foxhole.” Mixed metaphor obviously. Tempest in a teapot is a standard dismissal....
Everybody rushed in after the fact to be first with the goods on how Trump pulled off the biggest electoral upset in modern presidential history. I was already ahead of them though. I had been covering the political briar patch with a steady diary approach for four presidential election cycles, both terms of W, the meteoric rise and weird re-election of Barack Obama, and of course the first flutterings of the Republican country club riot over replacing him. I had three blogs to draw from over that time, and a couple+ books out of it, including one demonstrating that I had Obama figured out long before even his fiercest beltway critics caught on. Here’s another relevant book . I recognized the unique potential of Trump to win the whole thing early, in June of 2014. I could prove it. Why has it taken me this long to do my own book about the most spectacular politician of all our lifetimes? Two reasons. I didn’t realize I had produced so much material about Trump, the blog in ...
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