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The agreed upon number of lies Trump has told is 30,000.
Gonna do this out of order for a change. Here were MSNBC’s most glamorous couple yesterday…
Joe is clearly shocked and crestfallen.
Most significantly, perhaps, he was outraged that time after time, Biden failed to expose Trump lies about everything from the out-of-control border, the out-of-control inflation in the necessities of life, the expenditure of billions on a foreign war with no stated mission or objectives, the catastrophically costly and unplanned exit from Afghanistan, and the runaway crime wave caused by illegal migrants for whom statistics can’t be determined because we don’t know who and where they are and no one reports crimes to a police department that doesn’t show up because prosecutors don’t want to hear about it. The falsehoods, the lies, are the most important thing because what the two Joe’s revere the most is the Truth, and every Trump lie about the state of a perfectly run Presidency is a dagger to the soul.
We — and others, truthfully — do have some questions about this clip…
It was only a few weeks ago at most that Joe Scarbrow recorded this touching paean to one of the greatest Presidencies and greatest Presidents in the whole history of American Democracy. What happened in the interim? Did Biden accidentally free-fall 30,000 feet from Air Force 1 during his period of shuttling back and forth between European state dinners and Hunter’s criminal trial? Or was the adulatory clip maybe exaggerated somewhat, or even borrowed from the ecstatic echo chamber of other Biden footsoldiers? If so, is there another story about falsehoods, and even lies, that underpin every devastated reaction by the Team. I mean were they lying about Biden then, or are they lying about their stunned and stricken surprise now?
Why would notoriously left-leaning SNL have considered the massive Democratic
endorsement of Biden’s mental acuity over-the-top enough to spoof it so thoroughly?
To be clear, the skit shown above was produced and aired before the Debate Disaster. The inspiration was a number of video compilations making the rounds on the Internet featuring testimonials to Biden’s awesome mental brilliance by politicians, cabinet members, media hosts, and cable news analysts.
The reason I’m showing you the SNL clip here is that since the Debate it appears that all the video medleys of such laudatory sound bites about the President no longer show up in the dozens of different keyword searches I have conducted. Zip, Zero, Zilch. Except for the Scarbrow clip above, which I find (frankly) suspect, in that I doubt very much that the two Joe’s have ever hung out together much.
I think I’ll close this story of puzzling contradictions with a return to the incredibly redundant total of 30,000 lies told by Donald Trump. My question would be this: when they updating the total of Trump “lies” do they meticulously go back and remove the ones that turned out to be true days, months, or years later?
FOR EXTRA CREDIT, VIA BREITBART NEWS: Here is a documented list of hoaxes that have sailed uncritically through the mass media in recent years, including the alphabet news networks, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, CNN, the NYT, The Washington Post, and all the other print/electronic publications that rewrite the headlines provided by the two most rabidly progressive newspapers. Could it be that Mr. and Mrs. Mika, Rachel Madcow, Joy Ruud, Jake Tweaker, Nicolle Walrus, and other lefty mouthpieces have included as Trump lies his repeated denunciations of all these hoaxes as they were being turned into twisted Internet memes? If they forgot to do this, their count is off. Way off.
What follows is drawn from a Breitbart post by John Nolte, called How CNN Cut Its Own Throat. Read it and then go try to wash the blood off your own conscience…
FTA: <<What CNNLOL has done, ever since the arrival of Jeff Zucker in 2013 (Zucker was fired in disgrace in 2022), is checkmate itself.
By going hard-left; by becoming smug, unappealing hall-monitoring scolds; for attacking Normal People as racists and bigots for being Normal, and, of course, for this…
CNN alienated everyone in America who’s not hard-left, who doesn’t hate Normal People, and who can’t stand being serially lied to. In other words, CNN checkmated itself into a corner with only an itsy-bitsy base of remaining viewers. And according to the latest figures, that base is fewer than a half-million viewers.>>
UPDATE!!! Found this clip, which includes a segment showing the real people who inspired the SNL skit above.
As you work your way through the links here, don’t be shy. Get ‘Click Happy.’ Even on pics. FIGHTING BACK ONE FILE AT A TIME … How bad has it gotten? I uploaded this video from the old Instapunk at YouTube an hour ago. It has already been removed for violating YT Community Standards. There’s a pdf version, just published, of the post from the video above was created for. Nobody censored it 15 years ago. Back then, it was unquestioningly covered as freedom of expression. Here’s my pdf file of ‘ The Goosestep Enigma ’. This was by no means the most controversial post or graphic included in Instapunk’s 2,000+++ posts over the years. Now I’m going back in time to make pdf versions of the key parts of that website, meaning the most comical, controversial, reflective, insightful, and graphically provocative. But why reinvent the wheel. It’s all still there, isn’t it? The sad fact is that the truly huge resource called is facing a ticking clock. The orig...
Everybody rushed in after the fact to be first with the goods on how Trump pulled off the biggest electoral upset in modern presidential history. I was already ahead of them though. I had been covering the political briar patch with a steady diary approach for four presidential election cycles, both terms of W, the meteoric rise and weird re-election of Barack Obama, and of course the first flutterings of the Republican country club riot over replacing him. I had three blogs to draw from over that time, and a couple+ books out of it, including one demonstrating that I had Obama figured out long before even his fiercest beltway critics caught on. Here’s another relevant book . I recognized the unique potential of Trump to win the whole thing early, in June of 2014. I could prove it. Why has it taken me this long to do my own book about the most spectacular politician of all our lifetimes? Two reasons. I didn’t realize I had produced so much material about Trump, the blog in ...
YEAH. THE VP DEBATE You have no idea. This is all an apotheosis for me. The Joke meme has captured me. Like, you know, I know there will be Democrats out there and vociferating about how good Walz did in appropriate ethnic accents. Defending Kamala was always a loser. Bathos is hell. And they think this POS is on their side. They do. Actually this is called projection. Here’s the real basis of Tim Walz. A banjo-banging would-be wise man who claimed Minnesota children were “above average.” Keep watching, rolling over to the next vid too. Keillor is a Walz… uh huh. Older, fatter, meltier… 2028 My very first blog, Gloves Off, contained a spirited defense of the ones we used to call Ladies. All gone now except for the ones still motoring onward with walkers and cute hair with no cosmetic surgery. They were mostly mothers. Not all. I have memories none of you can match — my own mother, Addie and Adelaide, Mildred Conklin, Gwendolyn Fennessy, Emma Jones, Rosa Riggs, Joy Coleman, Sis Hin...
See? Here are a couple of them rallying to her side already. Maria Shriver & Liz Cheney. Protecting her from the kind of stupid male questions no menopausal woman has the patience to deal with. Got her six. It’s no secret that Kamala Harris has been taking her lumps on the campaign trail of late. Not surprisingly, the men who were supposed to help have done exactly the opposite. Her boss, Big Joe, has thrown her under the bus a couple of times, essentially forcing a loyalty oath on her that ties her hands policywise. Bill Clinton had done likewise, intimating in his disingenuous way that she is responsible for the deaths of innocent women occasioned by her, well, failure to secure the border. Even the God Obama has done more harm than good, pissing off black men by ordering them to vote Democrat like always, even though Kamala is a woman. Good thing there are so many Girl Guards out there, archetypal females of power who know that the One True Campaign Issue is a woman’...
I have a friend, real not FB, Bryan Womack, who dates back to the original Boomer Bible website , where he posted under the sobriquet Winston_Sith, an obvious reference to Orwell’s 1984. We’ve never met in person, but I have done this in his honor… The accompanying post is here … He was and is, out there somewhere, a mathematician in search of the truth about prime numbers, which I also follow under his leadership but with differing results. We both think they’re the key to the universe, but our surmises are discrepant . Okay. That’s a lot. What does it have to do with The Wall, Pink Floyd’s much glossed over masterpiece and musical legacy, despite the vicious antisemitism of Roger Waters? There’s this lady, a classical musicologist who has never been to a Stones concert, or any other rock concert I can discern, who is obsessed with Pink Floyd’s The Wall. And she fills me with envy. Everything is connected. Anybody who knows me at all knows this is my cardinal tenet. Back i...
Ontogeny recapitulates philogeny. There’s an intensely contemporary reason for taking a close look at Scientology. The Swamp is so huge it seems like the Borg. But what are the stripped down essentials of the Borg? Here’s a look at a laboratory example, a microcosm if you will. In the interests of full disclosure, I did encounter Scientology back in the weird year of 1968. I was in Boston, got scooped in to a “Dianetics” exercise, and got speedily thrown out for having too much “charge” to participate. The one in charge was blond, bland to the point of creepy, and I almost (but not quite) succeeded in making him lose his temper. In further interests of disclosure, I spent years on Facebook, debating Trump-haters. They did lose their tempers. But they also exhibited the exact same repetition of Talking Points the lefties (and Scientologists) employ. Exact. Same. Words. How I made the cult connection. Overview Like it says. Troublemaker. Destroy Utterly Horror Show Squared More ... ...
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