Why we’re going to lose if flyover sheeple don’t get off their ass and vote
I warn you I’m going to show you some calculations and data tables here. My message is one I can’t put on a T-shirt and therefore one most people don’t have a lot of patience with. It’s about who’s really in charge, and why they are definitely going to cheat us out of a fair election for the second straight time.
My line of argument will be provided up front. But my points are just generalizations and easy to dismiss as prejudiced and anecdotal. They aren’t. Why you really should take time to study the cells and tables. Okay?
Here’s my point in a nutshell. There is an early invulnerable elite in this country, in every single state as it turns out. These are people who work for the government. Unlike every privately or self-employed citizen in the rest of the country, their compensation is not subject to risk. They have guaranteed state pension plans government unions have negotiated with politicians who are not financially responsible for economic downturns or poor investments by insurance companies. They also have virtually no risk on the job of being fired for misconduct or absenteeism or incompetence. Why the DMV has become infamous everywhere for poor customer service, faulty paperwork, annoying make-work forms, and phones that invariably go to voicemail or numbered options for reaching a recorded message. In the old days of railroads, there was a term used to describe union-negotiated jobs that involved no work but (mostly) being on the train. Featherbedders.
We are being ruled in every part of our lives by the new class of Featherbedders which was born as a temporary measure by FDR, rarified into permanency by Truman, and perpetuated by all governments since then because it’s so hard to discipline, reform, or deconstruct. They live on government budgets that just keep going up as their elected pawns charge the taxpayers for private “pork barrels” they need for re-election. Voting politicians out of office doesn’t work because most become captive of the system as soon as they reach public office. The only way to dismantle corrupt and inequitable situation is to reintroduce risk into the demographic of government deployment. That is the real mission of MAGA and a second Trump Presidency. It is the only possible salvation of this country and your own liberty and quality of life.
That’s why all government employees have as their own personal objective riding the gravy train forever, and running down any and all who object by running over them with the same train.
Which they have been preparing to do and making great progress doing since 2016. Why they have ceaselessly sought to obstruct, libel, and prosecute Trump in the courts, because he is the one man who has the talent and determination to free the American people from the manacles of their governments.
They are gearing up even now to steal the 2024 election even more blatantly than they did in 2020 because not enough of you got made enough to fight back. They’re using every dirty trick in (and out) of the book to destroy him and all those who have the courage to support him, including you, whether they’ve gotten around to you yet or not. They’re still concocting fraudulent legal charges against and running roughshod over the legal percents for fairness they simply ignore while you snooze on from day to day.
What you haven’t realized yet is that they will never stop. They are redoubling their efforts to overload and extend election night to more weeks of counting fraudulent, unconfirmable ballots. If Trump wins anyway, they intend to vote not to certify his election because of a transparently fake 14th Amendment connected the the criminal setup they called Insurrection, and those in the know have documented as Fedsurrection, a conspiracy to bring down Trump with lies about January 6.
In the meantime they are about to steal majority control of the House from Republicans by means of blackmail and payoffs. Not in November but within a month or two. They are also concocting legislation to do away with the Electoral College, disbar the best lawyers defending Trump, writing regulations to Trump from firing unethical, incompetent, and federal government workers, and very probably blackmailing many members of Congress for misdeeds financial, marital, and sexual. Why they will keep their military contractor kickbacks safe by pouting more money through the laundering racket called a Ukraine, and why they will keep trying to build their next huge constituency of government dependents by eliminating all barriers to the U.S. border.
All of this underway at this very moment. While you don’t really keep up with the news and think everyone who does is just some political fanatic best ignored.
Why calculations and tables. Here’s the first one. As a smart man once said, the best way to get at the root of villainy is to “Follow the money.”
What they don’t tell you is that isn’t just billionaires who can raise the median above the arithmetic average. Large populations of the very well-to-do have a far greater impact. For now, all I’m asking that you find your own state and make a note of both the mean and the median. The entries are in alphabetical order. Don’t forget that in this application you can study a larger version of any image by clicking on it, then returning by finding the ‘X’ on screen and clicking on that. Give it a try. Here the average incomes of all 50 states. Note that Washington DC is not included on the list because it isn’t a state. Later, we’ll pull out some highlights and lowlights for specific representative states.
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