Hypocrisy on High Heat


How I started out. Wry rather than wrecking balls. But ya know, 
it really is outrageous that there’s such gigantic hypocrisy piled 
on top of a gigantic hoax called Climate Change. It stinks. Bad.

With women it’s always about presenting a warm and caring and down to earth image. What they think fools all the dumbass drones of their sex. They get away with it a lot too. Nancy Pelosi can show off her $20,000 refrigerator while playing at being a domestic homebody when she isn’t squeezing her big nutcracker on Capitol Hill flesh. Elizabeth Warren can pretend she likes drinking beer in her own wood-paneled New England kitchen and it might have worked except that even the drones remember that little Indian Girl act she used to get a professorship at Harvard. You know there’s some very expensive, well stocked wine rack just out of camera range, and the rest of that beer is going in the trash the instant the photo shoot is done.

Pretty weak overall. Going after them
is just shooting fish in a barrel.

The gas stove thing is way worse. The wymyns caught up in this are so undomestic that they don’t even know how emotional an issue getting tyrannical about a real cook’s kitchen can get. Everything they do to impress their constituents with their normalcy is play-acting. Time to do them Justice with all the hearts and flowers they think they are implying by simply showing up in a home setting and going through the motions. They can’t hide what they can’t imitate. Emission by omission. 


Latest progressive screwup is by the Munster Mommy of Michigan, so dumb she didn’t even learn 
not to repeat Klutzy Kamala’s mistake. You don’t back Biden’s intimate tyranny over homelife, tell
 people everyone has to make sacrifices to save a planet that will outlive the entire human race, and 
then prove you are so above the dumb ones you lied to you don’t have to make any sacrifices at all.

Does any of this blatant lying smell funny to you? Like something you might breathe in accidentally 
at Hillary’s email sever stall in Chappaqua? Or maybe more like all the gasoline burned up by 
Energy Secretary Granholm’s gofers blockading electric charging stations to keep the boss from
getting delayed by ordinary citizens on her public relations jaunt to nowhere in her borrowed EV.

Hate to say it but all the girlpowered lies of female politicians are sadly small compared to what the Big Boys are doing on the global stage. They don’t even try to answer the obvious questions about the…


They don’t care. They fly off to conferences about the impending perils of Climate Change in 
their private jets, and at no point do they exhibit any shame or the slightest acknowledgment 
that they’re fourflusher freeloaders on the financial backing of taxpayers back home. F-bomb.

All I can say is the obvious. It’s not surprising the women haven’t lied their way into the White House yet. They clearly haven’t learned how to tell big enough lies and then ignore all attempts to hold them to account for hypocrisies so stupendous they are threatening the survival of civilization itself. All for a few nights at a five-star hotel in some exotic city and all the Bollinger and Beluga they can stuff their fake faces with. A few implants and collagen injections just can’t compete. fake as they are, they don’t smell nearly bad enough to intimidate the whole world.


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