Dealing with the 14th Amendment Hoax


The Dems and RINOs like the Unknown Candidate are spewing a lot of guff about using the 14th Amendment of the Constitution to disqualify Trump from running for office ever again. Alan Dershowitz, hardly a right-winger, has been both eloquent and irate about this grotesque resurrection of a time-locked section of the amendment for a cheap political maneuver. His argument is both historical and legal. The history is that in the Post-Civil War South, the defeated Confederates were still engaged in political and criminal acts of rebellion against federal authority, including means as low as lynchings and other forms of Klan terrorism.

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment was written expressly to put an end to this bloody hemorrhage in the body politic. This history is actually demonstrated by the omission in the legal language that makes it inapplicable to anything but the immediate Post-Civil War era; Section 3 does not designate any specific person or position as responsible for investigating and prosecuting parties for engaging in insurrection and rebellion. There was no need. The guilty parties were still parading Confederate battle flags, wearing Confederate and Ku Klux Klan uniforms. Congress may punish the guilty, but the 14th Amendment does not describe any process for finding them guilty.

There’s a second part of the legal argument as well. Trump has already been tried in the Senate for insurrection. He was acquitted. The law permits presidents who have been impeached, found guilty, and removed from office liable to subsequent criminal prosecution. But this liability does not extend to those who have been acquitted. That is barred by the constitution’s prohibition of double jeopardy. Period.

So what is left to us who are outraged by such shenanigans to do? Simple and easy.

It starts with an extremely WOKE art form called Borgami, which improves your focus through the intricate folding of pieces of paper. It’s easy to start. Try duplicating these beautiful folds on a plain sheet of paper.

Your Exemplar

Looks easy enough, right? But if you need help, here’s a link to some overlong instructions and a few pics of process steps.

The prototype reach-out device for your own project.

Now take your copy of Section 3 in hand and follow exactly the same steps. Your result should look like this:

Now you’re ready to project yourself into the universe and confront our idiotic enemy with an act of majestic symbolism. Ready? Grasp your vehicle firmly by the undercarriage...

With that, you’ve done your part. Feel better?


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