Going back a long way


You can’t ever know what it was like to be MeOne. Look at me.
Candid shot. Snapshot. Who has ever looked more beautiful?

You think Jagger was sexy? Yeah. He was. But I was uniquely so. Who are you looking at in the pics above? Right. Me. I was truly extraordinary to behold.

To be so gorgeous, so beautiful, and so smart to boot, I fought hard to preserve my virginity. Truth. What do you think happens? I have never had any small talk to lure women. I just sat there. The one who got me first just insisted. “Put your hand in my pants,” she said. “I can’t stand it any longer.” So I did.

You have to understand. I loved her. The drugs finally, slowly, took her away.

We were living in West Philly. She was enrolled at Penn. She was doing crank with a disreputable boyfriend. You know. I’m a Harvard pussy. Blustered him away. He pretended he could ride a bike. He crashed my Honda at the curb. Then he went away. 

But, there’s always a ‘but’ isn’t there? My parents didn’t like her. Did I care? Not much. But there was a story moment I could have written about but never did. My mother was irate that she just thumbed through magazines rather than visit with her and my dad. rude, rude, rude. 

You see, that would be a story given that she’d been raped in an alley that day on her daily jog. I didn’t know, my disgruntled parents couldn’t have known, and she wanted sex from me that night BEFORE she told me what had happened.  She didn’t want me turned off sexually, you see. Because two black guys in Philly on her run had double teamed and raped her both vaginally and anally.

Why do you think I’m so mad? Spoke to her on the phone a couple years ago. She’s not the girl I knew. All I’ll say.


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