Homework that’s fun

Click the graphic to go right to The Glossary

I know there are those out there in the Facebook Universe who do come to look at the longer thought pieces I generally reserve for IPR and other of my websites. The traffic here, by the way, is not chiefly driven by Facebook, which accounts for only 17 percent of the IPR audience. This post, though, is primarily for you FB friends who may want to see one of the taproots of views I regularly express about the UniParty, the decline of the rule of law, the nexus of media and left-leaning government institutions, the assault on Judeo-Christian principles, the abortion debate, and the ongoing war between and among victim classes in the United States of 2023.

Now that may sound like a dose of medicine, but it isn’t. The Glossary at Shuteye Nation was a satirical work of a little more than 10,000 words, presented dictionary-style, words and terms in alphabetical order with their definitions. It was written in the year 2000. With the possible exception of the TransGender fad, though, almost all of what we recognize today as Woke culture is in The Glossary. The key feature of the work is its hyperlink structure. Individual entries are extensively linked to other entries that illustrate, elaborate, and offer their own punchlines. The first entry is “Abortion.” It’s possible to spend a lot of fun time roaming through the Glossary from the links beginning at this entry without ever scrolling to the entry after Abortion. There’s nothing you have to get done, nothing you have to read in any particular order, you’re just banging around in a joke book making fun of what we’ve done to the meaning of words (or the lack thereof). That’s the gist in a nutshell.

You’re free to go now. But there are a couple things that might help you get more out of your experience with this thing.

One Warning. The buttons at the top of the page are best ignored. Some don’t work because they were developed for a different format that was superseded by this one. Some of the buttons do work, but they should be ignored for the same reason, since they serve primarily to confuse at this point.

What The Glossary is part of. It’s a vital component of a website called Shuteye Nation. Other components of Shuteye Nation make reference to words and terms in The Glossary using the circular ‘degree-sign’ superscript which takes you to the definitional entry. The Glossary also makes occasional reference to other parts of Shuteye Nation (SN) and the other large work of which SN is a kind of transitional sequel, Shuteye Town 1999. You don’t need to pay any attention to these other parts of the larger work to enjoy and laugh at The Glossary.

The Back Button is your friend. You can take a link from one entry and then come right back. You should also be able to retrace all your steps to the first link you took. The back button is the principal tool for this kind of movement. But different devices have more than one back button; find the one that works on your device. If something goes wrong for whatever reason, you can start over at this page, at the FB post linking this one, at SN’s Glossary Page, or at the Main Page of Shuteye Nation.

Have fun. Hope your experience provides some insight about just how long the Woke beast has been stalking us.


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