Wisconsin Governor Prepares to Get Tough

Reacting in outrage to the confirmed CNNT scoop that “The Rittenhouse jury is just killing time with White Supremacy games before vigilante-ing a whole nation with an acquittal for the teen monster who killed my best friend Joe,” Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers said. His proof?

The proof of White Supremacist jury corruption. The actual 
note found by a CNNT correspondent in the hand of a court 
bailiff sending a message to the trial’s Jew Judge Schroeder.

In response, Evers has announced the immediate deployment of his own National Guards from their University of Wisconsin, Madison, HQ to protect the anticipated BLM/Antifa protest demonstrations after the corrupted, treasonous, racist verdict (or mistrial) is announced.

“They’re ready for anything,” OberGouverneur Evers promised.

Pretty cool, right? Funny how the morning after a riot doesn’t quite look like the storming of the Bastille in 1789 Paris. Lots of blood and fire in both instances. Why did I say it was funny? Because the day after a riot doesn’t look as much like a proud victory as it does a vomit-inducing hangover.

The Storming of the Bastille was in 1789. It was the beginning of the French Revolution, the kind Antifa, BLM, and the Squad might passionately endorse and escalate. How did that end? Anybody know?

Well, Robespierre — the BLM / Antifa Boss of the Day — got in charge of everything. He condemned  Frenchmen of every class to the Guillotine. Then what always happens happened. The perfect “revolution” he led and turned into a mass murder murdered him too.

It’s only the so-called Democratic-Progressive Revolutionaries who are calling for the blood of the ordinary now. They will perish the same way. Not by the hand of American Constitutionalists, but their own. 

I’ve mentioned 1789 before. It was the year the U.S. Constitution was written and passed into law. The longest lasting written Constitution in history. 

How did the French Revolution end? With Napoleon the Emperor, 2 to 3 million French dead in battlefields all over Eurasia, and why? Because history is always written by men. And if you fail to understand men, or delegitimize them, or suppress them, they will despoil everything in their lives. Why? Because they know it was always a mistake in the first place to give women any power. 

Madame DeFarge, knitting under the Guillotine, counting heads. Like the Squad. She was in charge.

Most men think with their loins. That’s biology. But God also gave them brains. There ARE good men. And it’s tragically depressing how few of you know it and and use that fact to save yourselves from ruin, even unto the grave.

Me? I’m disgusted. My wife calls me a misogynist. Guess I am. Why are so many of you so fucking stupid as to give your EVERYTHING to every charismatic sexmaster? 

See, I know women have talent. Except when it comes to men. Why I think civilization truly is doomed. We’ve made you superior to men, meaning also superior to children and law. Female whims now rule what remains of western civilization. Why we’re done for.

Wait for the new Kenosha and ripple-effect riots. LGBTQNFLSMTQ. Got it. I die in the end. But I AM going to figure out how a widower ends his days in federal max security with the blessed relief of not having to talk ever again to the emasculated clowns the authorities have become.

Well. We’ll see. OTOH…

‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’ wasn’t Cyndi Lauper’s
song. It was Hazard’s. Called ‘Boys Just Wanna…’

Philly. Not Kenosha.

Tired now. You?


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