Newsmax is RINO and Breitbart is Weirding Me Out

 Dinosaurs > Pamosaurs

The Newsmax Op-Ed seers from Paleo-Conservatives to merely obsolete ones. I’m 
just surprised they haven’t invited Jonah Goldberg and Bill Kristol to contribute.

Okay. I’ve been challenging everyone who still looks in here (all 10 of you) for weeks.

You all know I tend to do highbrow intellectual-type stuff. I even did my own highbrow news blog in 2019 (@, see Archive), where I routinely linked sites like American Greatness, American Spectator, American Thinker, Business Insider, PJ Media, the Federalist, Zero Hedge, Front Page, Power Line, etc.

Not doing that here no more. I’m not even hunting down VDH to link him. What gives? Why? 

Doesn’t matter anymore. Why don’t I write about the things you all write about on my Newsfeed? Because you don’t write about anything on my Newsfeed. You’re all in denial, just masturbating with trivia. I don’t care what some eminent medical ethicist has to say about euthanasia. I don’t care about what the NRA chick said. I don’t care about who just got fired at Yale for believing in free speech in spite of everything against it. I don’t care what some Catholic prelate from Iowa said about abortion. I don’t care what your best buddy thinks about Blinken and Nod. I don’t care about clever posters. I don’t care. 

We’re losing our country and you’re content to be clever about it. 

So you can go on communing with and quoting from your lofty sources and well-positioned friends, exchanging bon mots with them, and playing with the deck chairs, but I have absolutely stopped caring what the elite intellectuals (like those mostly antique and past their sell-by date Op-Ed luminaries boasted by Newsmax above) think about anything.

I am obsessively concerned with where the people we are counting on to vote our way in 2022 and 2024 are getting their news from. Guess what. It’s not sites like American Greatness, American Spectator, American Thinker, Business Insider, PJ Media, the Federalist, Zero Hedge, Front Page, and Power Line.

It’s also not MSNBC, CNN, WAPO, NYT, PBS, NBC, CBS, ABC, or NPR. Rush Limbaugh is dead. His so-called replacements aren’t; they sound more like a two-buddy sports show than the EIB Network. Tucker Carlson is not a replacement, either. Have you noticed he doesn’t like Trump? At all? Too much St. George’s School in Grottlesex World and Trinity College in On-Beyond-Princeton-Land. He’s wearing four-in-hands now but you can just tell his whole soul is crying out for a George Will bow tie. The rest of Fox News is a Murdoch yard sale. Britt Baer, Dana Perino, Chris Wallace, Laura Ingraham (some small part of her is still Jeb!), Sean Hannity (is there a Henny Youngman of politics?), even Greg Gutfeld (funny is more than a tone of voice, and acuity sometimes requires tamping the smile), and all the girls who still have the legs and hair, and the hair and the legs, and the show must go on even if we played a key role in blowing the election (smile, Steve Doocy…)

Where are the Trump people out in flyover country getting their news? I’ll tell you. Breitbart and Newsmax. Period. Newsmax has a TV network. Which sucks. Big time. They want you to buy a subscription, too, which is why whenever they have an article that hints at deeper than a headline they include a little red key which is needed to get past the grayed out lede; clearly, they are committed to doing everything possible to save an imperiled nation. They also have a propensity for picking up lefty wire copy from the AP and Reuters without editing it at all. Sad to say, they’re the kind of “To the Right of RINO” outlet. Like everyone else they are profligate about whose polls they publish. Gallup. Quinnipitiac [stet], NBC/Wall Street Journal, CBS/Supreme Soviet, all the same to them. Oh. Yeah. And Rasmussen. Whose Antifa-sponsored (look it up) presidential approval ratings still have the Dead Joe at 43 percent in favor. Whereas all the issue polls have Dead Joe losing by a whopping bunch. But we don’t skew our sample here at Antifa. We are committed to integity and truth. Or should that be integrity and tuth. Tooth. Tank God for Aurocorrect. It’s saved more pollsters than this one.

Which leaves us with Breitbart. You’ve probably noticed it’s about the only news source I cite by now. That’s not laziness. It’s the only place worth looking at on the Internet right now. Red meat headlines. Stories medium well done. How are they doing overall? Terrible.

What are they doing wrong? I’m not going to specify with a lot of examples here. Read for yourself. You really must. All those people at all the Trump rallies? This is their first stop in news gathering. The ones who are simmering out there and holding the reins.

Sometimes the headlines (even the bright red ones) lie, meaning the story doesn’t deliver on the promised punchline.

They have a handful of good writers/reporters/columnists but only a handful. Pollak, Nolte, and a few others. Most make mistakes that would make the corruptocrats at the NYT laugh. Sorry. Truth.

They have too many ads breaking up the copy. It’s distracting and there has to be a better way.

So far, these are commonplace faults. Time for the really serious problems with Breitbart:

They’re basically the Drudge of ten years ago, differing only in that they try to back up inflammatory headlines with incredibly pedestrian and shallow reporting. There is, in most cases, no there there.

Shallow? Breitbart is the news artery of Trump Nation. It is, all these years in, suffering from extreme arteriosclerosis. It does not provide, or direct readers to, detailed explanations of anything at all. What are the facts behind Trump’s fervent claims of a stolen election? What are the facts underpinning the current Jan 6 witch-hunt, which is clearly designed to put Trump in prison. What are the economics underlying the battle over Biden’s $5 trillion infrastructure and Green New Deal package? What exactly is a TRILLION dollars and why does it cause inflation If you spend it without having it? How do polls really work, and how many ways are there to rig them? How many members of Congress have been in office for most of their adult lives at salaries of $125,000-$175,000 a year and are now worth many, even hundreds, of millions in net worth? How does this work?

The shallow approach of splashy headlines might work if there were other resources in sidebars. But these are devoted to celebrity trivia, who’s had the most plastic surgeries, who’s been married longest, how many historians think Jimmy Carter was a better president than Trump, etc.

So what is the purpose of the shallow approach? That’s my problem. I’ve done what most of you haven’t or won’t do: Read the Breitbart Comments. 

They are scary. Ignorant, illiterate, furious, and dealing in new acronyms such as CW.2. And above all, numerous. Hundreds of comments accumulate in minutes after a post appears.

Not who we are? But what does Breitbart think?
No room for Clarence Clemons or Billy Preston
here. They don’t like Dave Chappelle as an ally..

I’m sure many of you are tired of my obsession with Breitbart’s Pam Key. I keep asking why she has a job. She’s not a journalist. She’s a transparent channel for the hard left. She repeats what the worst of them say, never disputes their facts or characterizations, and never documents their prior misstatements, misrepresentations, and lies. She just conveys their current irrational dudgeon. Every day and more than twice on Saturdays and Sundays. She’s a poisonous vein feeding the spleen of men and women who have had enough. Dangerous stuff.

This arouses a suspicion in me. Is Breitbart’s shallow news coverage, goosed by the leftIst propaganda channel of Pam Key, actually intended to provoke CW.2? Are they really producing the whole newsy-seeming thing for the express purpose of inciting violence, finally, in the middle class? Or are you still true to Andrew Breitbart’s vision of simply standing up to tyranny, all of us linked arm in arm for the good?

Things I’d like to ask Breitbart management in a Letter to the Editor or by direct contact if that were possible. So far it seems it’s not. Kind of like the NYT, n’est-ce pas? (There is no Letter to the Editor option at Breitbart. There is no Letter to the Editor option at Breitbart. And no editor ever addresses anyone in the Comments section. It’s just there, a cauldron brewing.)

My further question for all of you. Why aren’t you talking about what I’m talking about? I’ve even got a free book on the subject. 

Death of the Republic. Which none of you has ever said a thing about.

In the meantime you’ll find me right here, half off my head, still waiting for my zero-chance to be a hero…

Yeah, he’s dead now. Like we all could be. But I’m
not nearly. I’m still free, and not violent rabble.I’m
 a gentleman, and you could be too. Hero? Probably.

…when the rest of you line up like cattle.

And then they’ll finally inter us, with suitable pomp and circumstance. Eventually.

The hours of our faith will add up to 
something, no matter what you think.

Don’t give me a Like for this. Give me a deep-down thought.


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