Theater of the Absurd


The Ultimate Punchline: Who knew? Absolutely everyone.

A lot to consider here. The most important subject being what do we do next? The realistic options are severely compromised and constrained by what has already been happening in the past couple weeks — and what has NOT been happening in the last year and a half. Beginning with the latter circumstance, the Casablanca scene above perfectly exemplifies the behavior of the Democrat Party (plus RINOS) and the mass media since the Afghanistan catastrophe. Point being, EVERYBODY in the government and broader political scene has known all along that the President is — what’s a term that won’t get me banned forthwith (?) — cognitively challenged, throughout his basement campaign and masked nonappearances in front of cameras, which were systematically overlooked then but have now been suddenly “discovered” by the ones who deliberately saw nothing amiss during the election cycle. Those poor Dem reps in the red states are scrambling for cover in their sudden doubts about Uncle Joe’s judgment.

Let me point out that Republicans, even conservatives and many Trump supporters, are equally to blame for the August response meltdown. They chose to resurrect quite suddenly the charges of Biden cognitive incompetence, which many McConnell serfs had conveniently forgotten about in favor getting their share of the insane $1.3 trillion Democrat infrastructure pork barrel, in order to score personal media hits without rallying to the nation at large. “Biden’s senile, incompetent!” yell the Lindsey Grahams who voted for $1.3T in unfunded Dem deficits. Meantime, leadership Democrats do what they always do these days, find new ways to blame Trump for every screwup as they continue denying there has even been a screwup. While everyone knows there has been a phenomenal screwup and no one has expressed any real interest or commitment to fixing it. Lots of soundbites. No responsible action. Why I posted this FB comment a week or so ago:

<<What we’re not seeing: 1) A phalanx of Senators from armed-services and intelligence committees demanding an audience with the President to insist on answers and bold action plans to prevent the looming catastrophe in Afghanistan; 2) Determined hard work by the mass media to discover exactly WHO is running the U.S. government and HOW vital decisions are being made.

The headlines should be constant and rigorously skeptical in covering these subjects. But they are nowhere to be found. All we’re getting is the usual sniping, self-serving condemnations by back benchers, unconfirmed rumors from unnamed sources, and complete official denial of the national security crisis named Biden.

And, apparently, I’m the only person in the country who regards it as urgent to learn how a new VP will be chosen if Biden is, as he very well might be, removed from office. Without attention to this matter as something more than an insider horse-trading transaction, we can have no confidence that even a reconfigured White House would be any more intelligent or effective than the one we have.>>

Shortly after this post I got suspended again by the Dark Lord for the trivial offense of using an accurate but not obscene epithet for a prominent news commentator who, being a public person, is unable to sue for libel without proving malice, meaning he has to rely on institutional censors to muffle his critics. I got dinged for “bullying and threatening” a million dollar anchorman by expressing my personal opinion of his hypocritical self-aggrandizement.

That’s neither here nor there. But the absence of any concerted bipartisan effort to serve the country instead of personal political soundbite files is both here and there. Didn’t happen. Republicans are talking impeachment, as if that would fix anything. It won’t, of course. We should all have learned from the previous administration that impeachments are mere political theater, accomplishing nothing, wasting everyone’s time, and fixing nothing.

A few points to ponder when you’ve all recovered from your pissed-off partisan hangovers.

Biden Can’t Be Convicted in an Impeachment Trial

Ironically, a Republican member of Pelosi’s January 6 Committee who voted for Trump’s second impeachment, Kinzinger, said he wouldn’t vote for Biden’s impeachment because impeachment is reserved for “High Crimes & Misdemeanors.” He was right. There must be intent to commit a high crime. It would/will be impossible to prove that Biden is guilty of any intent to do anything but obey the instructions of his handlers and get another ice cream cone. In short, he is not competent to stand trial in the Senate where criminal evidence is required. When everyone agrees that President Biden is not capable of treasonous or criminal or even remembered intent, no Senate trial will be able to convict. In the simplest possible terms, Biden is not competent to stand trial on any charge more serious than shoplifting topsy tail tools at Rehoboth Beach.

Biden’s Puppeteers Can’t Be Prosecuted

The significance of not knowing who is actually running the country comes home to roost here. Everyone who is pretending to act in the President’s name is committing a crime, whether POTUS is consulted or not. You can’t prove who it is that’s responsible among the various unaccountable factotums who convey his orders to congress, the military, and the press. He’s napping: details to follow. 

Problem is, they are not prosecutable. You don’t know who made which decision and you certainly can’t trace any line of documentation to anyone, from anyone. All shredded long ago. All of which is irrelevant. If the perps are Ron Klain, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Barack Obama, Jill Biden, or the creep who brings Joe his daily sample of girl hair to smell, it’s all irrelevant. All covered by presidential Executive Privilege. Truth is, Nobody is responsible for anything this White House does, and good luck trying to find the links outside, to the Pentagon, the CIA, the NSA, or any individual cabinet department. All orders and edicts originate from the Oval Office, where the president is permanently secured under a dust tarp. No perps knowable, no prosecutions possible. The perfect unaccountable Democrat government, a pure Soviet bureaucracy American-style, presided over by the dim cipher named Joseph “Andropov” Biden, while Izvestia basks in its Revolutionary wisdom.

The 25th Amendment Can’t Be Invoked Without a Credible Democrat Electoral Game Plan

Think about it. The 25th Amendment would apply if there were an acceptable alternative to a lifelong dummy now senile and hidden behind a half-assed Zorro mask. Nobody but nobody wants Kamala, who is the only legal alternative to the worst president ever sort of somehow maybe elected by the Great Democrat Lie Machine. Exhausted as that machine is, they will never abandon it, because they became part of the Borg many years ago. What we are left with…

The Most Likely Outcome of the Coming Months? Ongoing Disaster and Farce

More death and disaster in Afghanistan, more Ida casualties, more inflation, more rampaging undocumented refugees, more unscreened illegal COVID immigrants, more death, more crime, more lies, more face-maskurbating edicts, and more attempted heists of the rule of law in the name of every anti-American agenda in the book. The price? Keeping Biden in office.

The funny funny thing. Everyone knew and somehow no one suspected we’d turned our great nation over to a Fruit Loop with a fetish for girl hair and free feels of the boobs of other politicians’ wives.

If she doesn’t mind the groping and sniffing, why should we?

Want to prosecute somebody? Try Jill Biden for High Treason. Everybody else has immunity. Look for her, along with everyone else, on the Hamptons party circuit.

Midterm fundraiser in the Hamptons with great Biden friends the Larry Davids.


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