How to maximize the utility of your fancy college degree...


So you bought yourself one of those elite quarter-million dollar liberal arts degrees sometime in the 21st century, right? And you’ve probably discovered you don’t know enough math to go to business school, not enough chemistry to go to medical school, and you don’t have enough money or credit to afford either. How do you get back on track from this sorry-ass state?

Well, there is a way to reach out and make contact with what we might call the bigger picture, a clear-eyed vision of your place in the brave new world you’ve spent so much time day-dreaming about. It starts with an extremely WOKE art form called Borgami, which improves your focus through the intricate folding of pieces of paper. It’s easy to start. Try duplicating these beautiful folds on a plain sheet of paper.

An Exemplar

Looks easy enough, right? But if you need help, here’s a link to some overlong instructions and a few pics of process steps.

The prototype reach out device for your own project.

Now take your incredibly valuable 21st century diploma in hand and follow exactly the same steps.

Yours will look like this.

Now you’re ready to project yourself into the universe and confront your brightest possible destiny. Ready? Grasp your vehicle firmly by the undercarriage...


Actually, a quarter million bucks for an empty name that taught you nothing of value is a bad deal no matter where you fling your meaningless piece of paper. Sorry.


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