An Early Prediction


Governors De Santis, Haley, Abbott, and Noem.

Donald Trump will nor run for re-election in 2024. Why? Just watched his maiden post-election speech on Right Side Broadcasting. He seems tired. I feel tired, honestly. Time for a changing of the guard. My wife thought he looked runnerish. Me not so much. Imagining the Republican debates come 2024. All of these are natural candidates, and all of them are Trump disciples to one degree or another. How can Trump debate them without coming across like a bully of his own adherents? Can’t, not really. He will reduce himself to life size, and the electorate will punish him with not quite perfect polls. 

I feel the need for change myself. Nobody wants four more years of hatred, attack, and general awfulness. Not his fault, obviously, but awfulness is awfulness, and we are all tired of that. What I expect is polite debates and then a gracious withdrawal in favor of one or two of the candidates. He kicks up the ratings, then leaves the fray. We have to decode among the competitors. Who is tough enough to carry the flag against the Uni-Party?

Think about it. Start studying these people. People already don’t like Kamala. My money in the early going is Noem. What do you think? America really is ready for a female president. And as I said, many years ago, the first female president will be a Republican. But noodle it out for yourself.


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