Joe Biden’s Wandering Eye — Part 2
By early 2020, it was becoming obvious to everyone but rank-and-file Democrats that there was something seriously wrong with Joe Biden. (See Part 1 .) Sometimes he seemed not to know where he was, he appeared to lose his train of thought in mid-sentence, he was often aggressive or insulting to members of his audiences, he had evident problems reading teleprompter copy, and at times he sounded utterly incoherent. His handlers knew that their candidate had some kind of optical implant device installed, but they knew no more than that. Could it be malfunctioning? The NSA was called in. NSA technical experts huddled with their counterparts in the CIA and NASA. They concluded the device could not be removed without serious risk of death. The reason for this was the nature of the technical problem and the changes it had effected in Joe’s anatomy. The installed device had indeed gone on the fritz. It was responding erratically to NSA input, and there was a suspicion addit...