The Monster
I was an international management consultant. You can’t wish that fact away. I did something no one ever did. Put communication people on the line. Gave them a crisis they had to respond to in real time. Nearly got me fired. Didn’t. I made a project, first in the U.S., called the Monster. Yeah. I called it that. Kept them up all night. Here’s what I did. First in Evansville, Indiana. Then in Paris, France. Same result, both places. I created a circumstance that put the survival of the company at risk. You get awakened at night by the news. What do you do? I gave them all the tools they had at their disposal. TV, official statements and press releases, the creation of the company narrative, which in this case did not look good. I gave a budget but made it clear that as CEO I had more cash on hand if they asked for it after 2 am. In Evansville, I hired the leading male anchor newsman to say what they wanted him to say. They hired him. They scripted him. It was all a lie...