The 12 Days of Christmas

This was buried in the tomb of Facebooks Past and in my 40,000-some image files. It was a Christmas project I put together for fun in 2018, when it looked like we had at least a chance to save the country from Satanic lefties. Issue still in doubt, as some of the graphics below will indicate. But it’s still okay to laugh. The FBI doesn’t SWAT you just for laughing yet. You’ll notice a significant percentage of Old World and Celtic content, but it’s an old song after all, and those of us who still know all the words tend to be more Celts than not. So no apologies. For you youngsters, the “Partridge in the Pear Tree” below is Alan Partridge, aka Steve Coogan, who has attracted notice since 2018 only for embarrassing himself by signing some absurd pro-Hamas letter from gay UK actors (!?) to all us Jew lovers. Oh well. It’s not my practice to edit my own past, and I haven’t done it here, although I did have to recreate a couple of the graphic references I couldn’t find. Blame technology....