Theater of the Absurd
The Ultimate Punchline: Who knew? Absolutely everyone. A lot to consider here. The most important subject being what do we do next? The realistic options are severely compromised and constrained by what has already been happening in the past couple weeks — and what has NOT been happening in the last year and a half. Beginning with the latter circumstance, the Casablanca scene above perfectly exemplifies the behavior of the Democrat Party (plus RINOS) and the mass media since the Afghanistan catastrophe. Point being, EVERYBODY in the government and broader political scene has known all along that the President is — what’s a term that won’t get me banned forthwith (?) — cognitively challenged , throughout his basement campaign and masked nonappearances in front of cameras, which were systematically overlooked then but have now been suddenly “discovered” by the ones who deliberately saw nothing amiss during the election cycle. Those poor Dem reps in the red states are scrambling fo...