A Quick Snapshot of Where We Stand After 100 Days of Biden

With an operatic crescendo of show trial justice in Minnesota, the first hundred days of Biden came to a dramatic close yesterday with the President and Maxine Waters arm-twisting the Chauvin jury into an oxymoron triple Guilty verdict that has already led to renewed street protesting by the left wing faithful. Dershowitz called the DC interference, “not just a thumb but an elbow on the scales of justice.” Surely, more arson and looting and vandalism will be on hand in days to come. We’ll be talking about this and other “accomplishments” of the new administration, but for now we’ll offer only the following thumbnail view of this moment of the timeline. A quick glance at the graphic above should suffice to illustrate an odd phenomenon of the Hundred Days. Biden continues to receive honeymoon treatment in the approval ratings while almost all his new policies are receiving quite negative treatment among “Likely Voters.” Again, this a subject for another day, but it does make me won...