More important than you think
A Man to Bear in Mind If you don’t know who this dude is, here’s a link you might want to scan before you start reading what I have to say below. Significant Old White Guy . Here’s a thumbnail version: Now for some thoughts you probably haven’t seen despite multiple postings on my page. ********** Here’s the post I posted before. As I’ve said elsewhere, it got no response at all in September when it first appeared. I know it might not be FB’s fault. Nobody cared when I wrote multiple posts about the logistical dangers of a nuclear confrontation handled not by the President but by the White House version of The View that runs the country these days, a dim-witted committee of self-obsessed radical mediocrities who have thus far been clumsy and stupid about everything they’ve touched. Nobody cared when I suggested it was time for Republican thought leaders of the female sex to stand up and talk sense to all the women out there who would trade the republic and the Constitution in on thei...