
A Reclamation Project Begun

A Reclamation Project Begun

As you work your way through the links here, don’t be shy. Get ‘Click Happy.’ Even on pics. FIGHTING BACK ONE FILE AT A TIME … How bad has it gotten? I uploaded this video from the old Instapunk at YouTube an hour ago. It has already been removed for violating YT Community Standards.  There’s a pdf version, just published, of the post from the video above was created for. Nobody censored it 15 years ago. Back then, it was unquestioningly covered as freedom of expression. Here’s my pdf file of ‘ The Goosestep Enigma ’.  This was by no means the most controversial post or graphic included in Instapunk’s 2,000+++ posts over the years. Now I’m going back in time to make pdf versions of the key parts of that website, meaning the most comical, controversial, reflective, insightful, and graphically provocative. But why reinvent the wheel. It’s all still there, isn’t it? The sad fact is that the truly huge resource called is facing a ticking clock. The original site

Guess I’m the last one who’s fighting back with nunchucks…

YEAH. THE VP DEBATE You have no idea. This is all an apotheosis for me. The Joke meme has captured me. Like, you know, I know there will be Democrats out there and vociferating about how good Walz did in appropriate ethnic accents. Defending Kamala was always a loser. Bathos is hell.  And they think this POS is on their side. They do. Actually this is called projection. Here’s the real basis of Tim Walz. A banjo-banging would-be wise man who claimed Minnesota children were “above average.” Keep watching, rolling over to the next vid too. Keillor is a Walz… uh huh. Older, fatter, meltier… 2028 My very first blog, Gloves Off, contained a spirited defense of the ones we used to call Ladies. All gone now except for the ones still motoring onward with walkers and cute hair with no cosmetic surgery. They were mostly mothers. Not all. I have memories none of you can match — my own mother, Addie and Adelaide, Mildred Conklin, Gwendolyn Fennessy, Emma Jones, Rosa Riggs, Joy Coleman, Sis Hine, I

The Wall and Other Things

  I have a friend, real not FB, Bryan Womack, who dates back to the original Boomer Bible website , where he posted under the sobriquet Winston_Sith, an obvious reference to Orwell’s 1984. We’ve never met in person, but I have done this in his honor… The accompanying post is here … He was and is, out there somewhere, a mathematician in search of the truth about prime numbers, which I also follow under his leadership but with differing results. We both think they’re the key to the universe, but our surmises are discrepant .  Okay. That’s a lot. What does it have to do with The Wall, Pink Floyd’s much glossed over masterpiece and musical legacy, despite the vicious antisemitism of Roger Waters? There’s this lady, a classical musicologist who has never been to a Stones concert, or any other rock concert I can discern, who is obsessed with Pink Floyd’s The Wall. And she fills me with envy. Everything is connected. Anybody who knows me at all knows this is my cardinal tenet. Back in my Merc

Two Pissed-Off Lesbians

 How many do we need in public life?

About those White Dudes for Harris

The Boss White Dude Bradley Whitford When I first heard the name “White Dudes for Harris” I thought immediately of Bradley Whitford. It was the role of his lifetime. Playing White House power behind the scenes Josh Lyman, who bullied his secretary to make things happen for the righteous presidency of Jeb “Martin Sheen” Josiah Bartlet, a little guy with MS who was in every way a precursor of Obama but for being physically small and weak and gloriously intelligent like no one else who could talk Christian while being the smartest meanest man in the room.  Bradley Whitford himself went to Wesleyan University, one of the ‘Little Three,’ who always knew they were smarter than Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. Are we cool enough yet or what? I always despised the smug self-hagiography of the West Wing. The longest running political propaganda as soap opera entertainment in the history of American television. Bradley got himself Emmies and Golden Globes pushing his own inane political agendas.  T

Don’t like Trump? Get over it.

Another has-been life ruined beyond repair. Trump Curse writ large. Rosie O’Donnell still can’t get over the fact that Trump won the Republican nomination in 2016 by blowing off Megyn Kelly’s gotcha question about his mean tweets to women, using her as the completely understandable punchline.   Millions of men, and even some women, said to themselves, “I would do that too.” She’s a sad case. But this latest outburst got me to thinking. Maybe I’ve been unfair to The Donald myself over the years. With my wife and others, I’ve taken the position that I admire Trump as a President and would-be savior of the Republic. I’ve also said I wouldn’t have him in my house for dinner. Or, less pompously, that I have never had any desire to meet him in person. I have fought strenuously for his political life and fortunes. No one can deny that. But I also fought for George W and Mitt Romney (as I had done for McCain, whom I genuinely despised) when they were running. Didn’t want to meet them eit

Stripped Down

  Yes, it really is possible to have a kind of 6-pack when you’re wasting away. Weighed myself today. 5’ 9”, 128 lbs. Let’s think about what this means. Not what you imagine. My whole life is contracting, and I tend to think of it in terms of focus not loss. I have always been an Alpha.*  Now I am structurally a Gamma.* Physically crippled to the point where I have to take a hundred-year old cane to my cigarette and vodka runs in Delaware. Have it down pretty well. I can do the cigarette outlet on my own two feet. At the liquor store I park the Jeep almost all the way to the next strip mall so I can use the cane to mount nothing tougher than a slope. Oh gee. Vodka?! Hell yeah. You don’t want to hear this? You wouldn’t without the vodka. Why it’s still a part of the regimen. Being Anonymous was never a part of my destiny. Sorry, Bill. Things you would never know. Like, I drank in all kinds of bars, white and black, for 40 years and never got into a fight. I once stopped a cabbie in fron

The Apotheotic Joke Ticket

I know he’s a bit blurrier than she is. We’ll get to that as we go. Just so you know, our stand-ins here are from the Beverly Hillbillies and All in the Family . Chosen pretty carefully despite any initial outrage you might feel. Forget politics per sē. The first is a programmatic drone, pursuing what she’s aimed at without regard to, or understanding of, the human issues involved. The second is an armchair hero of the masses, always willing to claim credit for himself at the expense of others.  Yes, I’m talking about Kamaltoe and the Coach. The saddest thing perhaps is that the fictional characters above are both superior to their photo stand-ins. Miss Hathaway was childless but did not spend her early career years with her legs waving in the air seeking promotions. Archie Bunker was at least honest about his ignorant, half-assed prejudices and presumptions. He wasn’t actually lying about a skewed perspective honestly reported on. Why the Harris-Walz campaign is a kind of ultimate jo