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Yes. The next wave of vermin is starting to come out of the woodwork.
The Trump haters are getting desperate. The Republicans are failing to mount a successful knee-capping operation, so much so that after two dismal rounds of debates they’re already going for the Hail Mary of drafting a candidate who previously announced his intention to keep on doing the job he was just elected to do.
The newest GOP savior has now been a Governor for 21 months.
The last Virginian to throw a successful Hail Mary in the NFL was Michael Vick (now retired), but it’s been a lot longer than that since Virginia had a winner in the Presidential game. In fact, the self-proclaimed “Mother of Presidents” has the most lopsided record of great/godawful presidents of any state in the union, the worst news being that all the good ones were out of office by 1825. Of the remainder, two inherited the office as VPs and were never elected to the office, two died in office early in their terms, and one was all but dead in his last year in office, filled in for by a wife who should probably have been convicted for treason a hundred years ago. This record does not bode well for Glenn Youngkin, who to his credit has not been one of those promoting his candidacy to save the party from Donald Trump.
The truth is, neither major party has much of a bench to draw presidential candidates from. Various flavors of nepotism have corrupted the competition so thoroughly that good people don’t come forward to run against them unless they descend from from out of the blue on an escalator to thumb their nose at the whole rotten political system. Trump polished off the Bush clan in the primaries and torpedoed the Clinton machine’s luck in the 2016 shocker the aristocats still refuse to accept. Which is why the slayer of the “My Turn to be President” families has aroused such implacable fury and the most blatant resort to nepotism yet essayed in the United States.
You see, us independent Americans, the ones who fought two wars to escape from rule by the silver spoon twits of Britain, are nevertheless hooked on celebrity, especially the political celebrity of famous last names, regardless of actual accomplishment. And we’ve been taught rigorously to be suspicious of white men, particularly good looking white men who pay too much attention to their hair. How, for example, are voters supposed to react to these would-be candidates when they’ve spent so much wit and venom despising Donald Trump’s mysterious but obviously expensive coif?
Youngkin and Newsom are just too cisnormal looking.
Pretty sure this isn’t going to work. But the preferred Democrat action plan of doing absolutely nothing about the Biden problems and just riding on the stainless steel rails of voter indifference and high-tech election rigging is also no longer working. For some reason, even some fractious Democrats in the hinterlands have noticed that there’s something not quite right about Uncle Joe.
Yeah. People noticed. Even when they were
told they weren’t seeing what they were seeing.
Much as they hate to admit it, the Dems know Biden is done. If you can’t stomach old guys with hair fetishes, then a black woman is the obvious answer, right? Well, you know, obvious is a tricky word. This particular obvious answer is what got us Kamala, and no one wants her even more than no one wants Biden. Which leaves us with the answer that’s been sitting there all along. And unbeknownst to us, has been getting ready all along.
That wooden figurehead wasn’t carved yestiddy. It’s already weathered for Chrissake.
Quite a few folks out there have been worried about this eventuality all along. And they’ve been dutiful about looking for and recording Michelle’s missteps along the path to whatever destiny awaits. Apparent vulnerabilities have been identified. For one, she’s not the best dresser that ever decorated the White House for Christmas.
Not always the most wannabe-Presidential wardrobe choices.
But that’s not the real log in the water waiting for the one who would be the first female President. Opportunistic observers of bad faith, and even some who simply like having fun at celebrity expense, have raised questions about Michelle’s womanhood. Just go with the flow here in a video that had to be carved into three parts because Blogger has antique restrictions on the size of video files:
Like some others, I made this up because the raw materials
were available and it was fun to do, not because I expect it to
win much credence. Makes me part of the problem? Dunno.
Truthfully, it’s gotten a whole lot nastier than the above at times, and the vid below is only one of many…
If anything, the rumor mill has increased its turnout since the unusual death of a black male sous-chef offshore from the Obama estate on Martha’s Vineyard. It occurred at night, and oddly, the local gendarmes have been reticent about sharing facts concerning the death with the press. People are going hmmm. Because Tucker Carlson, naughty man, has recently interviewed a fella who claims he had a tryst with Barack involving both sex and crack cocaine. Naturally, the buzz turns to speculation about the real nature of the relationship between the Obama spouses. Is Barack really gay, as rumors have had it for years? Is Michelle really a male transvestite acting as a beard for her Presidential hubby? Or is she an honest-to-goodness transgender person hiding a deep dark secret?
Simultaneously with all the sex gossip, other kinds of opposition to Michelle are forming with the potential to be far more damaging to her chances of winning the presidency with a last-minute bailout of the Democrats in 2024.
The Brit report contained other excerpts meant to confirm their implication that Michelle Robinson’s thesis is the work of a mediocre poseur who produced at Princeton the academic equivalent of Kamala’s “word salads.”:
FTA: << As we have seen, the findings discussed in the previous paragraphs seem to support the hypothesis that respondents who were increasing the time spent with Blacks were becoming more attached to the Black community during the Pre-to-Prin period both in their individual interactions and in their political ideologies about Black and White relations on a community level. Respondents who were increasing time spent with Blacks were also becoming interested in positively contributing to the Black community. (Robinson, 42)…
However, with the increasing integration of Blacks into the mainstream society, many "integrated Blacks" have lost touch with the Black culture in their attempts to become adjusted and comfortable in their new culture -- the White culture. Some of these Blacks are no longer able to enjoy the qualities which make Black culture so unique or are unable to openly share their culture with other Blacks because they have become so far removed from these experiences and, in some instances, ashamed of them as a result of their integration. (Robinson, 54)…>>
Plain English might have boiled these two paragraphs down to a couple of straightforward sentences. But academic prose has become like this everywhere, hasn’t it? Don’t use 10 words to say what you could inflate to 50. Magna Cum Laude!
More serious than context-free mockery of Michelle’s writing is the recent approach of a man named Joel Gilbert, who is more interested in the content of this thesis than its language. He has done voluminous research into the differences between her life story as sold to the public and the reality of what was a pretty affluent middle-class upbringing far away from the South Side survivor of Chicago’s mean streets she claims to be. He has a book out and a movie on the way.
Do I believe Gilbert is onto something? I do indeed. Do I believe Michelle Obama is a male, either transvestite or transgendered to imitation femaleness by surgery and hormones? No. Not for a minute. Do I believe Barack Obama is a closeted gay man with deep sexual issues? Yes, in all probability. Which is why I suspect that Obama haters have been played for quite a few years now by one of the shrewdest scoundrels in American political history.
The gayness of Barack Obama, or his inclinations that way, are to my mind responsible for the drastic social engineering policies we have seen implemented beginning in his administration and exponentially increased after he (nominally) left office. He really does intend to destroy the traditional nuclear family and its hidebound conventions, which are and have been incredibly stultifying to everyone who now identifies as LGBTQ+. His efforts to achieve this are a sort of personal revenge but also have a parallel political motivation. The dissolution of the American population into victim groups turned loose to overturn all institutions, all consensus mores, and all artifacts of Judeo-Christian authority are consistent with the establishment of the state as a replacement deity. When this wrenching change in the culture is accomplished, all hindrances to totalitarian rule can be swept away, especially a Constitution founded on the authority of a discredited white man’s God.
What remains? The state owns all the people it rules. Parents are superfluous except as biological origins of the millions of units made controllable by the deliberately inculcated absence of conscience and consciousness.
How long has the Michelle ascendancy been planned? Long time. Long long time. Who knows where the first whispers about her supposed manliness got started? In the current political and cultural context, the sexual controversy swirling around her can be the best defense against an assault on the untruthfulness of her biography, which Obama knows by dint of his own experience: the modified (or invented) birth certificate his critics still can’t forget, the grades and transcripts from Columbia and Harvard he refuses to show, the three autobiographies he almost certainly didn’t write, and the overlong association with the hateful Trojan Horse of a ‘Christian” preacher whose gospel was Saul Alinsky with a Koran chaser. The mass media allowed him to get away unscathed with all the misdirections and suspect behaviors of his life. Including this:
If the Joel Gilbert attack on Michelle is more successful against Michelle than it was against Barack, an outcome made more likely by the fact that she has zero qualifications for serving as President of the United States, the sex angle could wind up being her best line of defense. She is a gold star victim of right wing sexual persecution that in this new era of openness about gender victimization could make her the underdog candidate of every woman in America. Because, yes, she really is a woman, has had two children, and the dirty allegations are something which simply cannot be tolerated. If millions of women could be made to believe that overturning Roe automatically outlawed abortion, they can also be made to believe that Michelle Obama is a Social Justice cause worthy of overcoming old party loyalties the same way her husband was.
And if someone takes the sex attack in an altogether different direction, well, who doesn’t tell lies about sex? We learned that back in the 20th Century. Who’s going to care about this?
Hmmm. Gay hubby, charismatic preacher man with a
long close family association. And a daughter with a
mouth, chin and dimples like… Nah! How dare you?
Bring it on. The celebrity-obsessed women of America will love having a solid gold figurehead of a President more than up to replacing the old, tired, shady, pervy one. It’ll be great. Our New Age kind of woman*.
SEE ALSO: A Prologue of Sorts and The Main Event to see why Michelle will be reticent to say anything controversial for the next few months. All the inflammatory political stuff will be hidden behind the curtain until the great unveiling in January 2025.
As you work your way through the links here, don’t be shy. Get ‘Click Happy.’ Even on pics. FIGHTING BACK ONE FILE AT A TIME … How bad has it gotten? I uploaded this video from the old Instapunk at YouTube an hour ago. It has already been removed for violating YT Community Standards. There’s a pdf version, just published, of the post from the video above was created for. Nobody censored it 15 years ago. Back then, it was unquestioningly covered as freedom of expression. Here’s my pdf file of ‘ The Goosestep Enigma ’. This was by no means the most controversial post or graphic included in Instapunk’s 2,000+++ posts over the years. Now I’m going back in time to make pdf versions of the key parts of that website, meaning the most comical, controversial, reflective, insightful, and graphically provocative. But why reinvent the wheel. It’s all still there, isn’t it? The sad fact is that the truly huge resource called is facing a ticking clock. The orig...
Everybody rushed in after the fact to be first with the goods on how Trump pulled off the biggest electoral upset in modern presidential history. I was already ahead of them though. I had been covering the political briar patch with a steady diary approach for four presidential election cycles, both terms of W, the meteoric rise and weird re-election of Barack Obama, and of course the first flutterings of the Republican country club riot over replacing him. I had three blogs to draw from over that time, and a couple+ books out of it, including one demonstrating that I had Obama figured out long before even his fiercest beltway critics caught on. Here’s another relevant book . I recognized the unique potential of Trump to win the whole thing early, in June of 2014. I could prove it. Why has it taken me this long to do my own book about the most spectacular politician of all our lifetimes? Two reasons. I didn’t realize I had produced so much material about Trump, the blog in ...
YEAH. THE VP DEBATE You have no idea. This is all an apotheosis for me. The Joke meme has captured me. Like, you know, I know there will be Democrats out there and vociferating about how good Walz did in appropriate ethnic accents. Defending Kamala was always a loser. Bathos is hell. And they think this POS is on their side. They do. Actually this is called projection. Here’s the real basis of Tim Walz. A banjo-banging would-be wise man who claimed Minnesota children were “above average.” Keep watching, rolling over to the next vid too. Keillor is a Walz… uh huh. Older, fatter, meltier… 2028 My very first blog, Gloves Off, contained a spirited defense of the ones we used to call Ladies. All gone now except for the ones still motoring onward with walkers and cute hair with no cosmetic surgery. They were mostly mothers. Not all. I have memories none of you can match — my own mother, Addie and Adelaide, Mildred Conklin, Gwendolyn Fennessy, Emma Jones, Rosa Riggs, Joy Coleman, Sis Hin...
See? Here are a couple of them rallying to her side already. Maria Shriver & Liz Cheney. Protecting her from the kind of stupid male questions no menopausal woman has the patience to deal with. Got her six. It’s no secret that Kamala Harris has been taking her lumps on the campaign trail of late. Not surprisingly, the men who were supposed to help have done exactly the opposite. Her boss, Big Joe, has thrown her under the bus a couple of times, essentially forcing a loyalty oath on her that ties her hands policywise. Bill Clinton had done likewise, intimating in his disingenuous way that she is responsible for the deaths of innocent women occasioned by her, well, failure to secure the border. Even the God Obama has done more harm than good, pissing off black men by ordering them to vote Democrat like always, even though Kamala is a woman. Good thing there are so many Girl Guards out there, archetypal females of power who know that the One True Campaign Issue is a woman’...
I have a friend, real not FB, Bryan Womack, who dates back to the original Boomer Bible website , where he posted under the sobriquet Winston_Sith, an obvious reference to Orwell’s 1984. We’ve never met in person, but I have done this in his honor… The accompanying post is here … He was and is, out there somewhere, a mathematician in search of the truth about prime numbers, which I also follow under his leadership but with differing results. We both think they’re the key to the universe, but our surmises are discrepant . Okay. That’s a lot. What does it have to do with The Wall, Pink Floyd’s much glossed over masterpiece and musical legacy, despite the vicious antisemitism of Roger Waters? There’s this lady, a classical musicologist who has never been to a Stones concert, or any other rock concert I can discern, who is obsessed with Pink Floyd’s The Wall. And she fills me with envy. Everything is connected. Anybody who knows me at all knows this is my cardinal tenet. Back i...
Ontogeny recapitulates philogeny. There’s an intensely contemporary reason for taking a close look at Scientology. The Swamp is so huge it seems like the Borg. But what are the stripped down essentials of the Borg? Here’s a look at a laboratory example, a microcosm if you will. In the interests of full disclosure, I did encounter Scientology back in the weird year of 1968. I was in Boston, got scooped in to a “Dianetics” exercise, and got speedily thrown out for having too much “charge” to participate. The one in charge was blond, bland to the point of creepy, and I almost (but not quite) succeeded in making him lose his temper. In further interests of disclosure, I spent years on Facebook, debating Trump-haters. They did lose their tempers. But they also exhibited the exact same repetition of Talking Points the lefties (and Scientologists) employ. Exact. Same. Words. How I made the cult connection. Overview Like it says. Troublemaker. Destroy Utterly Horror Show Squared More ... ...
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