
My World and Welcome to It

My World and Welcome to It

     T his post was last updated at 3:30 PM, Friday, March 28.  Latest post is “Your AOC Home Page ” NEW: Volume II of “ The Best Book on the Trump Phenomenon ” has been added in to the original 2020 post. This will be a pinned post in perpetuity, but it will be updated continuously, just like all of our lives. The title — “My World and Welcome to It” — is stolen happily from James Thurber, who is known as a humorist, unabashedly untrained cartoonist, and dog lover. He was also subject to melancholy, a drinker of note, and something of an outsider (in his own damaged eyes at least) as an Ohioan, born and educated, who became a fixture in the glamorous Algonquin Roundtable of Manhattan writers and playwrights. I can relate to all of that but the fame and the lifelong journey to blindness. I believe he was likely the best writer of the gang that gathered in the Algonquin Hotel in the 1930s, and I made my own pilgrimage there once in my youth to have drink in the bar an...

Your 2025 AOC Home Page

  Is it just me, or is she starting to pork up a bit in the new lean & mean administration? So she and Old Bernie are now spending weekends together as the media-designated saviors of the Democrst Party. What could go wrong? What do we really know about her? Even I forget sometimes, though I really shouldn’t. I’ve been on her case since she first popped out of the cake as “Bronx Barista of the Year” back in the teens. Here are some of her signal contributions to Instapunk Returns: Top Video News Highlight of the Day — 3/28/2019 (including 6 additional links) Dumbest Smart Guy of the Day (Where else are you going to find a head-to-head comparison of AOC and DJT?) AOC = BSA = NPC  (Trust me. No pictures of her but a view of her mind no one else has achieved) The Terror’s New Clothes (Aha! Naked Protesting and AOC’s Wedding Photos) What If? (Includes a firm prediction about her prospects for becoming Speaker of the House) *** And just for fun, here’s a gallery of some of ...

Artificial Reality — The Improbable Safe Space of the Left

  Be patient. I will explain… I know, I know. A lot of you are behind on the curve because you haven’t qualified for a password on the DarkNet yet. The DarkNet is a very dangerous place to be honest. Whole worlds of dark things are available there that are very difficult to visit otherwise. I have managed to wangle a limited-access password and I promise I’m working on the same for the rest of you, but as you can see it’s not an easy place to wheedle your way into. Click on this portal to go as far as you’re allowed. There are certain things I can tell you without losing my own privileges. The DarkNet is a breakthrough in quantum computing that simultaneously processes all possible solutions and recombinations conceivable in your universe of origin. More simply it’s an inter-dimensional version of the far more parochial tool we call the Internet. Its portals provide pathways to alternate universes, both probable and improbable, that bear some relationship to our own. All universes ...

The Friday Follies

  The intro to the 1963 show The Outer Limits Big Day. First day of Spring in this momentous year. I used to have an irregular feature called “Friday Follies,” in which I singled out some happenings in the course of the week past that complemented or contradicted one another in odd ways. The emphasis was generally but not always on humor. This week the old FF framework came back to mind because of quirky coincidences in the background stuff I usually have playing while I’m working on other things. Sometimes the background becomes foreground and seems suddenly relevant to what I’m working on or thinking about. Could be a left brain or a right brain intrusion, like the punchline of this old edition of the Friday Follies from 2007. She’s a test! Click on her to see the punchline. I don’t pick the background stuff very scientifically. Out of my ROKU provider I have access to a variety of streaming services, and I cruise through them pretty randomly, looking for titles that don’t fail m...

Lancing the Boil

It’s not a volcano. It’s a boil that’s been suppurating for more than 60 years. One more thing that Trump will be remembered for. One more thing that had to be done before what is best about America can be restored. Here’s how the lancing is getting started, all over the nation. No one’s had time to study the documents in depth. That will come later. For now, we have to seal with a human lifetime’s worth of having the evidence concealed from us by people who had power to do so. Make no mistake. The assassination of President Kennedy was a deep wound to the nation. Doubts about who did it, how, and why were vivid from the first hours. The fact that the “fog of war” surrounding the event itself never cleared has been a subtle poison in the trust Americans had in their Government and its leaders, as well as in their own level of acceptance about the possibility that they had been lied to by persons — elected officials, government administrators, and federal institutions — who swore oaths ...

The Iconography of Trump

  If I sound critical, it’s because I’ve been guilty of this myself. There’s quite a cottage industry in creating AI meme videos glorifying Donald Trump. I watch them as they appear and go briefly viral because they’re funny and an often wicked thorn in the side of crazed Trump haters. But I also have to confess that I find them unsettling in a way. Part of me is asking, ‘Is this a good thing going too far maybe?’ Does the President really need more ego stroking and more hyperbolic comparisons across such a vast range of classical and popular mythology, however inoffensively intended?  Just so we know what we’re talking about, I’m linking a few of them here, partly for your amusement and partly because they seem hard to find even a few weeks after their viral day in the sun. (Is that an instructive side effect of the meme phenomenon? Dunno.) The most recent one, a specific catalyst for this post: I’ll be back to talk about this one in particular… A more or less straight up cam...

One Book of the Apunkrypha

Most people don’t know that when I wrote  The Boomer Bible , I wrote more books than I included in the final version. This is one of them. I dug it out because for some reason I’m starting to get Facebook notifications of provocative posts from objectivists (i.e., Randians) on my Friends(?) list, which is a little surprising to me. I don’t remember adding them as friends, but when I look at their Friends lists I see all kinds of names I don’t expect to see there, including people like Breitbart’s John Nolte and Reagan biographer Craig Shirley. It’s okay by me that the Randians have friends in common with me, and I feel bad about  banning them just because I think Rand is only valuable as a juvenile rite of passage in developing an individuated consciousness. Which is a kind way of saying that I believe she’s a writer good minds should outgrow in their early twenties at the latest. I’m sure she meant well, but her understandable underdog assertiveness has become an unpleasant ...